CodeGuru Newsletter
February 8, 2005
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–> Editorial –
… Comments from the editor
… Recently Published Books
–> New Articles on CodeGuru
==> Beginning Visual Basic .NET
– Discovering Visual Basic .NET — The Series
==> Controls
– [Updated] Changing the Background Color of an Edit Control
==> Data
– Encrypt DataSets for Offline Storage (VB / .NET)
==> Database (.NET)
– Generic Code to Execute Stored Procedures
==> IDE
– Visual C++ 2005 IDE Enhancements
==> Managed C++
– Authenticating Users via Hash Codes
– Read Image Data Using the ADO.NET DataReader
– Write Image Data Using the ADO.NET Command and Parameter Objects
==> Misc.
– Coming in 2005
– When Did a Cubicle Become Such a Prize? And Other Rants
==> Mobile / Wireless
– How DesktopRAPIInvoker Launches the HTML Viewer on the
CE Device
==> Multimedia
– [Updated] Video for Windows Single-Frame Capture Class
Without MFC
==> Networking
– [Updated] Asynchronous Socket Programming in C#: Part II
==> Programming Insights
– Building Software That Is Interoperable By Design
==> System
– Enumerate WFP Files (C++)
– Three Ways to Retrieve Processor Information
– [Updated] Windows Message Broadcaster
–> Discussion Groups (including Hot threads)
–> Highlighted new articles on Developer.com
1. Digital Signatures 101 using Java
2. Using Mind Maps as a Software Design Tool
3. Sending Email from your PHP Applications
Comments from the Editor
… January book winners
The winners for January have been determined! The following
people were selected from those who had articles published
in January. They have their choice of a copy of the CodeGuru.com
Visual C++ Goodies book or Kate Gregory’s Visual C++ .NET Kick
Start book:
Marius Bancila
Ajay Vijayvargiya
Sjaak Priester
has the option of one of the above two books or a copy of
Code Complete, Second Edition. If you are one of the winners,
then you have 60 days to get me your contact information or
the book will be put back into the mix for someone else to
win. For more information including past winners, go to
To be eligible for February’s books, simply submit an article
and have it published on CodeGuru.com. You can submit an article
by going to https://www.codeguru.com/edit-article.php .
…. VS Live and Visual Studio Team System
A couple of the editors that work for me are at VS Live this
week, and their feedback is starting to arrive. The demo of
Visual Studio 2005 Team System apparently was enough to quiet
many developers and then keep their attention.
“Eyes went wide” was how one of my editors described some of the
developers’ reactions to the demo.
I’ve had a chance to see and work with Team System. It is a big
change, or more appropriately , a big addition to what Visual
Studio can do. We’ve covered some of the features on already
and there will be lots of articles on CodeGuru in the coming
months and years. Team System is cool stuff — cool enough to get
the serious attention of a number of techies at VS Live yesterday!
Until next week!
Brad Jones, Microsoft MVP
… Recently Published Books
For those of you keeping up by reading books. The following
are just a few of the new books that have been recently released.
If you’ve read any of these, feel free to write a review to be
posted on CodeGuru. See the submission guidelines at:
–> Customizing the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime
By Steven Pratschner for Microsoft Press
380 pages
Covers the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
New & Updated Articles on CodeGuru
Following are short descriptions of new articles on CodeGuru.
If you are interested in submitting your own article for
inclusion on the site, then you will find guidelines located
at https://www.codeguru.com/net/submission-guidelines/.
This week’s posted CodeGuru articles:
==> Beginning Visual Basic .NET
– Discovering Visual Basic .NET — The Series
By Bill Hatfield
Are you new to Visual Basic .NET? Best-selling “Dummies”
author Bill Hatfield teaches you the basics of Visual Basic
==> Controls
– [Updated] Changing the Background Color of an Edit Control
By Kevin Bond
Learn how to change the background color of a text box.
==> Data
– Encrypt DataSets for Offline Storage (VB / .NET)
By Paul Kimmel
Learn how to encrypt offline data, .NET style. Paul Kimmel
offers you the opportunity to experiment with ADO.NET, XML
serialization, streams, and the DPAPI — technologies you
can use to encrypt user data.
==> Database (.NET)
– Generic Code to Execute Stored Procedures
By Sriram Surapureddy
Generic code to execute any stored procedure/batch of stored
procedures with different number of parameters and data types.
==> IDE
– Visual C++ 2005 IDE Enhancements
By Nick Wienholt
Improvements to the IDE are one of the givens in any new
release of Visual C++; hence, they are often overlooked.
Take a closer look at some of the new features that the
Visual C++ 2005 IDE delivers.
==> Managed C++
– Authenticating Users via Hash Codes
By Tom Archer –
For situations when a company doesn’t want the responsibility
of maintaining a user password file, Tom Archer presents a
mechanism that stores and uses the hash codes of passwords
instead of the actual passwords to validate users.
==> Managed C++
– Read Image Data Using the ADO.NET DataReader
By Tom Archer –
Tom Archer illustrates step-by-step instructions for using
the .NET DataReader class to read image data from a database,
and he presents a generic function that will write this data
to disk.
==> Managed C++
– Write Image Data Using the ADO.NET Command and Parameter Objects
By Tom Archer –
Tom Archer illustrates in step-by-step fashion how to read
an image file from disk and then save it to a SQL Server
database by using the ADO.NET SqlCommand and SqlParameter
==> Misc.
– Coming in 2005
By Bradley Jones
Curious about what to expect in 2005 out of the development
community? Check out Bradley Jones’ yearly forecast on what
to anticipate.
==> Misc.
– When Did a Cubicle Become Such a Prize? And Other Rants
By Paul Kimmel
Paul Kimmel speaks out on behalf of all the mistreated
contractors out there.
==> Mobile / Wireless
– How DesktopRAPIInvoker Launches the HTML Viewer on the CE Device
By Nancy Nicolaisen
Explore the mechanics of launching an HTML viewer on your
CE device.
==> Multimedia
– [Updated] Video for Windows Single-Frame Capture Class Without MFC
By Audrey Mbogho
Learn to capture single frames from a webcam to memory for
environments where it isn’t possible to use MFC.
==> Networking
– [Updated] Asynchronous Socket Programming in C#: Part II
By Jayan Nair
Second part of the C# asynchronous socket example, showing
more features in socket programming.
==> Programming Insights
– Building Software That Is Interoperable By Design
By Bill Gates
Microsoft’s Bill Gates on interoperability.
==> System
– Enumerate WFP Files (C++)
By Ajay Vijayvargiya
Windows systems launched after Windows2000 include a WFP
feature (Windows File Protection). This article glimpses
over it and shows how to enumerate the list of all protected
==> System
– Three Ways to Retrieve Processor Information
By Marius Bancila
Learn how to retreive CPU information such as name, vendor
name, speed, or supported features, using CPUID assembly
instruction, Registry stored information, or Platform SDK
==> System
– [Updated] Windows Message Broadcaster
By Ali Rafiee
Use this class to broadcast a message to multiple windows,
or different views without having to have their handles.
Discussion Groups
Check out the CodeGuru discussion forums at:
Forums include Visual C++, General C++, Visual Basic, Java,
General Technology, C#, ASP.NET, XML, Help Wanted, and
much, much, more!
Some of the current threads with the most activity are:
==> javascript pls hlp
==> Problem in freeing allocated memory!!!!!
==> confusion abt virtual functions
New Articles on Developer.com
Below are some of the new articles that have been posted to
Developer.com (upt_http://www.developer.com).
1. Digital Signatures 101 using Java
By Richard G. Baldwin –
Learn a simple protocol for using public-key cryptography
and digital signatures to protect the authenticity, integrity,
and confidentiality of a message.
2. Using Mind Maps as a Software Design Tool
By Mike Gunderloy –
Between the idea for a new application and the actual coding,
you need to flesh out the features and requirements that you’re
aiming for. For times when full-blown requirements management
tools are overkill, try a mind map instead.
3. Sending Email from your PHP Applications
By W. Jason Gilmore –
Send email (plaintext, attachments, HTML mail, even bulk mail)
using PHP and the wonderful HTML Mime Mail class.
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