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ImageStone is a powerful C++ class library for image manipulation. It is written in pure C++ and is easy to port. Its features include load/save (supports BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF, ICO, TGA, PCX, PSD…), display, histogram, undo/redo, and image transformation with over 100 predefined effects.


ImageStone is free. You can use the code however you want (free or commercial), as long as you don’t claim it as your own. (If you use it in your product, I hope I could be notified.)

Using ImageStone

It’s extremely easy. All you need to do is add #include "ImageStone.h" at the beginning of your source code. If you are using ImageStone in a MFC project, just add this include line at the end of the StdAfx.h file.

The most basic and most important class is FCObjImage. Learn how to use it.

… load/save image file under any OS

// for Windows : ImageStone uses GDI+ to load/save image,
// Jpg/Png/Gif/Bmp/Tga/Tif be supported
// for Linux : Only Bmp/Tga are supported, but you can set
// FreeImage handler to support more.
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;
if (!img.IsValidImage())
assert(false) ;
return false ;

// print image’s information : width, height, bit per pixel
printf (“image’s width : %d”, img.Width()) ;
printf (“image’s height : %d”, img.Height()) ;
printf (“image’s bpp : %d”, img.ColorBits()) ;

// Load/Save function determine image’s format by file’s ext name
// save image as jpeg file, its quality set 90 (ranges from 1 to 99)
img.Save (“save.jpg”, 90) ;
img.Save (“save.png”) ;
img.Save (“save.tif”) ;

// Another way to set quality
FCImageProperty prop ;
prop.SetPropertyValue (IMAGE_TAG_JPEG_QUALITY, “90”) ;
img.Save (“save.jpg”, prop) ;

… load image from memory under any OS

// Load image into memory
char * p = 0 ;
int n = 0 ;
FCOXOHelper::LoadFileToBuffer (“test.jpg”, p, n) ;

FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (p, n, IMG_JPG) ;

delete[] p ;

// this line demonstrates how to determine the image’s format by
// the file’s ext name
IMAGE_TYPE t = FCObjImage::GetImageHandleFactory()->

… load image from DIB stream under any OS

// Load image into memory
char * p = 0 ;
int n = 0 ;
FCOXOHelper::LoadFileToBuffer (“test.bmp”, p, n) ;

// now p points to a DIB stream
FCObjImage img ;
img.LoadDIBStream (p, n) ;

delete[] p ;

… load image from a resource under Windows

// Load image from local exe file
FCObjImage img ;
FCWin32::LoadImageRes (img, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID), TEXT(“JPG”),

// Load image from DLL’s resource
HMODULE hDll = LoadLibrary (TEXT(“ResDll.dll”)) ;
FCWin32::LoadImageRes (img, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID), TEXT(“JPG”),
IMG_JPG, hDll) ;

// Load image from standard BITMAP resource
FCWin32::LoadImageBitmapRes (img, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID)) ;

… load/save image via FreeImage library

// change to FreeImage library to load/save image
// for more detail, refer to example 005
FCObjImage::SetImageHandleFactory (new FCImageHandleFactory_FreeImage) ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;

// change to GDI+ load/save image
FCObjImage::SetImageHandleFactory (new FCImageHandleFactory_Gdiplus) ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;

… combine ImageHandleFactory

// use FreeImage to load/save PSD/PCX image
class CMyImageFactory : public FCImageHandleFactory
virtual FCImageHandleBase* CreateImageHandle (IMAGE_TYPE imgType)
switch (imgType)
case IMG_BMP : return new FCImageHandle_Bmp ;
case IMG_TGA : return new FCImageHandle_Tga ;
case IMG_JPG : return new FCImageHandle_Gdiplus ;
case IMG_GIF : return new FCImageHandle_Gdiplus ;
case IMG_TIF : return new FCImageHandle_Gdiplus ;
case IMG_PNG : return new FCImageHandle_Gdiplus ;
case IMG_PCX : return new FCImageHandle_FreeImage ;
case IMG_PSD : return new FCImageHandle_FreeImage ;
return 0 ;
// protected avoid user delete object.
virtual ~CMyImageFactory() {}

// use our custom factory to read/write image
FCObjImage::SetImageHandleFactory (new CMyImageFactory) ;
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;

… load multi-frame GIF

FCObjMultiFrame img ;
img.Load (“test.gif”) ;
img.GetFrame(0)->Save (“001.jpg”) ;
img.GetFrame(1)->Save (“001.jpg”) ;

… Load a jpeg’s EXIF information

FCObjImage img ;
FCImageProperty prop ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”, &prop) ;

// get camera’s ISO speed
std::string m = prop.QueryPropertyValue (IMAGE_TAG_EXIF_ISOSpeed) ;
// get camera’s equip model
std::string n = prop.QueryPropertyValue (IMAGE_TAG_EquipModel) ;

… draw image object under Windows

FCObjImage img ;
// capture current screen
RECT rc = {0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),
GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)} ;
FCWin32::CaptureScreen (img, rc) ;

// Draw image (no stretch) where top-left at (0,0) of hdc
FCWin32::DrawImage (img, hdc, 0, 0) ;

// Stretch image on region of hdc
RECT rcOnDC = {100, 100, 200, 200} ;
FCWin32::DrawImage (img, hdc, rcOnDC) ;

// Stretch image on central of hdc’s region and keep image’s aspect
FCWin32::DrawImageAspect (img, hdc, rcOnDC) ;

// Stretch region of image on region of hdc
RECT rcImg = {20, 20, 50, 50} ;
FCWin32::DrawImage (img, hdc, rcOnDC, rcImg) ;

… copy/paste image to/from Clipboard

FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;

// copy image to Clipboard
FCWin32::CopyToClipboard (img) ;

// get image on Clipboard
FCWin32::GetClipboardImage (img) ;

… convert between GDI HBITMAP and FCObjImage

// create HBITMAP from FCObjImage object
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;
HBITMAP h = FCWin32::CreateDDBHandle (img) ;

// create FCObjImage object from HBITMAP
FCWin32::CreateImageFromDDB (h, img) ;

… convert between GDI+ bitmap and FCObjImage

// create GDI+ Bitmap from FCObjImage object
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;
Gdiplus::Bitmap * pBmp = FCWin32::GDIPlus_CreateBitmap(img) ;
delete pBmp ;

// create FCObjImage object from GDI+ Bitmap
FCWin32::GDIPlus_LoadBitmap (*pBmp, img) ;

… process image

FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;

// resize (smooth) image
img.Stretch (nWidth, nHeight) ;
img.Stretch_Smooth (nWidth, nHeight) ;

// Use SinglePixelProcessProc interface to process image.
// There are over 100 pre-implemented effects;
// please refer to class derived from FCInterface_PixelProcess
FCPixelRotate aCmd (37) ;
img.SinglePixelProcessProc (aCmd) ;

FCPixelBrightness aCmd (150) ; // 150%
img.SinglePixelProcessProc (aCmd) ;

FCPixelMosaic aCmd(5) ;
img.SinglePixelProcessProc (aCmd) ;

FCPixelOilPaint aCmd (3) ;
img.SinglePixelProcessProc (aCmd) ;

… custom image processing

// our processor : change pixel’s RGB value
class CMyPixelProcessor : public FCSinglePixelProcessBase
CMyPixelProcessor (int nR, int nG, int nB) : m_R(nR), m_G(nG),
m_B(nB) {}
virtual void ProcessPixel (FCObjImage* pImg, int x, int y,
BYTE* pPixel)
PCL_B(pPixel) = FClamp0255 (PCL_B(pPixel) + m_B) ;
PCL_G(pPixel) = FClamp0255 (PCL_G(pPixel) + m_G) ;
PCL_R(pPixel) = FClamp0255 (PCL_R(pPixel) + m_R) ;
int m_R, m_G, m_B ;

// this class has the same function to upper class,
// but implements other class
class CMyImageProcessor : public FCPixelWholeImageBase
CMyPixelProcessor (int nR, int nG, int nB) : m_R(nR), m_G(nG),
m_B(nB) {}
virtual void ProcessWholeImage (FCObjImage* pImg,
FCObjProgress* pProgress)
for (int y=0 ; y < pImg->Height() ; y++)
for (int x=0 ; x < pImg->Width() ; x++)
BYTE * p = pImg->GetBits(x,y) ;
PCL_B(p) = FClamp0255 (PCL_B(p) + m_B) ;
PCL_G(p) = FClamp0255 (PCL_G(p) + m_G) ;
PCL_R(p) = FClamp0255 (PCL_R(p) + m_R) ;
if (pProgress)
pProgress->SetProgress (100 * y / pImg->Height()) ;
int m_R, m_G, m_B ;

// use our custom processor
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (“test.jpg”) ;

CMyPixelProcessor aCmd (20, 20, 20) ;
img.SinglePixelProcessProc (aCmd) ;

CMyImageProcessor aCmd (20, 20, 20) ;
img.SinglePixelProcessProc (aCmd) ;

… add text on image

FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (“c:\test.jpg”) ;

// now we create text layer
FCObjTextLayer imgT ;
PACK_TextLayer tp ;
tp.m_bAddShadow = false ;
tp.m_bAntiAliased = true ;
tp.m_bBold = true ;
tp.m_bItalic = true ;
tp.m_crFont = PCL_RGBA(0,0,255) ;
tp.m_nFontSize = 128 ;
tp.m_strFace = “Arial” ;
tp.m_strText = “Hello” ;
FCWin32::CreateTextLayer_GDIPlus (imgT, tp) ;

// Now we have created a text image. Additionaly,
// we can add some affect to it, such as gradient color
POINT pt1={0,0}, pt2={0,50} ;
FCPixelGradientLine aCmd (pt1, pt2, PCL_RGBA(0,0,255),
FCColor::crWhite()) ;
imgT.SinglePixelProcessProc (aCmd) ;

// blend text layer on image
RECT rc = {0, 0, imgT.Width(), imgT.Height()} ;
img.AlphaBlend (imgT, rc, rc, 100) ;


  • 2007 – 03 – 11, V4.0
    + Add FCPixelFillGradientFrame.
    + Add FCPixelLensFlare/FCPixelTileReflection/FCPixelSoftGlow effect.
    * Modify example.
    * Improve FCObjImage::AlphaBlend.
    * Modify FCPixelBlinds.
    * Modify brightness/contrast/hue/saturation/emboss.
    * Rewrite gauss blur processor.
    – Remove FCPixelDeinterlace.
    – Remove FCPixelAddRandomNoise.
    – Remove FCPixelFill3DSolidFrame.
    – Remove FCImageHandleFactory_IJL15 and FCImageHandle_IPicture.

  • 2006 – 10 – 25, V3.0
    * Improve FCImageHandle_Gdiplus class to load multi-frame gif/tiff image and load jpeg’s EXIF information.
    * Improve FCImageHandle_FreeImage class to save gif with transparency color.
    * Change FCPixelHueSaturation’s hue arithmetic.
    * Change FCPixelColorTone’s arithmetic, more look like old photo.
    * Change inner FCImageHandleBase interface, it’s never mind for user.
    * Substitute std::fstream with ANSI C file function because of a bug in VC2005.
    + Add FCImageProperty to store image’s property, function FCObjImage::Load and FCObjImage::Save support it.
    + Add example 010 : Load jpeg’s EXIF information via GDI+.
    – Remove FCObjImage::GetNextFrameDelay and FCObjImage::SetNextFrameDelay, you can get them from FCImageProperty.

  • 2006 – 09 – 07, V2.0
    + More mature.

  • 2006 – 03 – 11, V1.0
    + Initial version.

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