Write a DIB to a JPEG File

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This article presents code which allows you to take a DIB and
write it to a JPEG file. Other bitmap and palette example code at
this web site can show you how to turn a bitmap into a DIB (DDBToDIB, etc.).

The code has been improved to handle all bitmap formats. The
earlier version did not handle 32-bit or 16-bit DIB’s.

Acknowledgements: This code depends on the jpeg.lib code
written by the Independent JPEG Group (Thomas G. Lane and

The code assumes that you have installed their jpeg.lib
library project.

To get jpeg.lib:

1) Go to Ulrich von Zadow’s  "Class library for
image file decoding" article, and click on the
"Links" link.

2) Click on the "LIBJPEG ver 6b" link to download
the "vanilla" libjpeg.

3) Do not use Mr. von Zadow’s "Paintlib" version of
libjpeg, because he seems to have made some internal changes for
his own use.

The jpeg.lib project (LibJpeg) is set up to compile under
numerous operating systems. The download includes a file called
install.doc. Read the sections relevant to VC++/Windows. You have
to rename a couple of files, etc.

The first time I installed and compiled libjpeg, it took a
long time and was very aggravating. I then re-read the
instructions, and it took about fifteen minutes. I’m sure there’s
a lesson here…

Testing Notes:

To test the code, I used MS Paint to create bitmap files in
the four supported formats.

I then set up a VC++ project which read the bitmap files, and
used the functions below to turn them into JPEG files (.jpg).

I then used Julian Smart’s CImage demo application to display

I also used Internet Explorer as well as MS Word to display

I also created a jpeg file by loading an internal resource
(see the example below). The largest bitmap file I dealt with was
about 390 KB.

Error trapping:

libjpeg includes a number of provisions for improving error
detection, and reporting them in a good manner. I have not
investigated these, and the code does not include any of them.
Right now, an internal error will simply cause the code to stop

To get at jpeg.lib properly in your project:

  1. Under tools->options, directories tab:
    1. Set the Include Files to include the path to your jpeg.lib project
    2. Set the Library Files to include the path to your jpeg.lib release directory
  2. Under Project->Settings, Link tab:
    1. Add jpeg.lib to the Object/library modules list

Note on Quality Settings:

For the IDB_TEST resource, I tried two quality settings: 10
and 100. At "10", the image had a lot of black
spottiness, and took up 1 KB. At "100" the image looked
very good, and took up 4 KB.

//Example of use:
void MakeJpeg()
CBitmap cBitmap;
CString csMsg = "";


NULL); //Use default palette

//Turn DIB into JPEG file
if (hDib != NULL)
if (!JpegFromDib(hDib,
100, //Quality setting

AfxMessageBox("test.jpg created");


AfxMessageBox("Failed to load IDB_TEST");

//Header file code

//In the relevant header file (up near the top):

#include "jpeglib.h"

BOOL JpegFromDib(HANDLE hDib, //Handle to DIB
int nQuality, //JPEG quality (0-100)
CString csJpeg, //Pathname to target jpeg file
CString* pcsMsg); //Error msg to return

BOOL BuildSamps(HANDLE hDib,
int nSampsPerRow,
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo,
CString* pcsMsg);

RGBQUAD QuadFromWord(WORD b16);

//Source file code

extern "C"
#include "jpeglib.h"


struct ima_error_mgr
struct jpeg_error_mgr pub; //"public" fields
jmp_buf setjmp_buffer; //for return to caller

//This function takes the contents of a DIB
//and turns it into a JPEG file.
//The DIB may be monochrome, 16-color, 256-color, or 24-bit color.
//Any functions or data items beginning with "jpeg_" belong to jpeg.lib,
//and are not included here.
//The function assumes 3 color components per pixel.
BOOL JpegFromDib(HANDLE hDib, //Handle to DIB
int nQuality, //JPEG quality (0-100)
CString csJpeg, //Pathname to jpeg file
CString* pcsMsg) //Error msg to return
//Basic sanity checks…
if (nQuality < 0 || nQuality > 100 ||
hDib == NULL ||
pcsMsg == NULL ||
csJpeg == "")
if (pcsMsg != NULL)
*pcsMsg = "Invalid input data";

return FALSE;

*pcsMsg = "";


byte *buf2 = 0;

//Use libjpeg functions to write scanlines to disk in JPEG format
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;

FILE* pOutFile; //Target file
int nSampsPerRow; //Physical row width in image buffer
JSAMPARRAY jsmpArray; //Pixel RGB buffer for JPEG file

cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); //Use default error handling (ugly!)


if ((pOutFile = fopen(csJpeg, "wb")) == NULL)
*pcsMsg = "Cannot open ";
*pcsMsg += csJpeg;
return FALSE;

jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfo, pOutFile);

cinfo.image_width = lpbi->biWidth; //Image width and height, in pixels
cinfo.image_height = lpbi->biHeight;
cinfo.input_components = 3; //Color components per pixel
//(RGB_PIXELSIZE – see jmorecfg.h)
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; //Colorspace of input image


nQuality, //Quality: 0-100 scale
TRUE); //Limit to baseline-JPEG values

jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);

//JSAMPLEs per row in output buffer
nSampsPerRow = cinfo.image_width * cinfo.input_components;

//Allocate array of pixel RGB values
jsmpArray = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
((j_common_ptr) &cinfo,

if (DibToSamps(hDib,
//Write the array of scan lines to the JPEG file

jpeg_finish_compress(&cinfo); //Always finish


jpeg_destroy_compress(&cinfo); //Free resources

if (*pcsMsg != "")
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

//This function fills a jsmpArray with the RGB values
//for the CBitmap.
//It has been improved to handle all legal bitmap formats.
//A jsmpArray is a big array of RGB values, 3 bytes per value.
//Note that rows of pixels are processed bottom to top:
//The data in the jsamp array must be arranged top to bottom.
BOOL DibToSamps(HANDLE hDib,
int nSampsPerRow,
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo,
JSAMPARRAY jsmpPixels,
CString* pcsMsg)
if (hDib == NULL ||
nSampsPerRow <= 0 || pcsMsg == NULL) { if (pcsMsg !=NULL) *pcsMsg="Invalid input data"; return FALSE; } int r=0, p=0, q=0, b=0, n=0, nUnused=0, nBytesWide=0, nUsed=0, nLastBits=0, nLastNibs=0, nCTEntries=0, nRow=0, nByte=0, nPixel=0; BYTE bytCTEnt=0; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER pbBmHdr= (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)hDib; //The bit count tells you the format of the bitmap: //Decide how many entries will be in the color table (if any) switch (pbBmHdr->biBitCount)
case 1:
nCTEntries = 2; //Monochrome

case 4:
nCTEntries = 16; //16-color

case 8:
nCTEntries = 256; //256-color

case 16:
case 24:
case 32:
nCTEntries = 0; //No color table needed

*pcsMsg = "Invalid bitmap bit count";
return FALSE; //Unsupported format

//Point to the color table and pixels
DWORD dwCTab = (DWORD)pbBmHdr + pbBmHdr->biSize;
LPSTR lpBits = (LPSTR)pbBmHdr +
(WORD)pbBmHdr->biSize +
(WORD)(nCTEntries * sizeof(RGBQUAD));

//Different formats for the image bits
LPBYTE lpPixels = (LPBYTE) lpBits;
RGBQUAD* pRgbQs = (RGBQUAD*)lpBits;
WORD* wPixels = (WORD*) lpBits;

//Set up the jsamps according to the bitmap’s format.
//Note that rows are processed bottom to top, because
//that’s how bitmaps are created.
switch (pbBmHdr->biBitCount)
case 1:
nUsed = (pbBmHdr->biWidth + 7) / 8;
nUnused = (((nUsed + 3) / 4) * 4) – nUsed;
nBytesWide = nUsed + nUnused;
nLastBits = 8 – ((nUsed * 8) – pbBmHdr->biWidth);

for (r=0; r < pbBmHdr->biHeight; r++)
for (p=0,q=0; p < nUsed; p++) { nRow=(pbBmHdr->biHeight-r-1) * nBytesWide;
nByte = nRow + p;

int nBUsed = (p <(nUsed 1)) ? 8 : nLastBits; for(b=0; b < nBUsed;b++) { bytCTEnt = lpPixels[nByte] << b; bytCTEnt = bytCTEnt >> 7;

jsmpPixels[r][q+0] = pCTab[bytCTEnt].rgbRed;
jsmpPixels[r][q+1] = pCTab[bytCTEnt].rgbGreen;
jsmpPixels[r][q+2] = pCTab[bytCTEnt].rgbBlue;

q += 3;

case 4:
nUsed = (pbBmHdr->biWidth + 1) / 2;
nUnused = (((nUsed + 3) / 4) * 4) – nUsed;
nBytesWide = nUsed + nUnused;
nLastNibs = 2 – ((nUsed * 2) – pbBmHdr->biWidth);

for (r=0; r < pbBmHdr->biHeight;r++)
for (p=0,q=0; p < nUsed;p++) { nRow=(pbBmHdr->biHeight-r-1) * nBytesWide;
nByte = nRow + p;

int nNibbles = (p > (4-(n*4));

jsmpPixels[r][q+0] = pCTab[bytCTEnt].rgbRed;
jsmpPixels[r][q+1] = pCTab[bytCTEnt].rgbGreen;
jsmpPixels[r][q+2] = pCTab[bytCTEnt].rgbBlue;

q += 3;

case 8: //Each byte is a pointer to a pixel color
nUnused = (((pbBmHdr->biWidth + 3) / 4) * 4) –

for (r=0;r < pbBmHdr->biHeight; r++)
for (p=0,q=0; p < pbBmHdr->biWidth; p++,q+=3)
nRow = (pbBmHdr->biHeight-r-1) * (pbBmHdr->biWidth + nUnused);
nPixel = nRow + p;

jsmpPixels[r][q+0] = pCTab[lpPixels[nPixel]].rgbRed;
jsmpPixels[r][q+1] = pCTab[lpPixels[nPixel]].rgbGreen;
jsmpPixels[r][q+2] = pCTab[lpPixels[nPixel]].rgbBlue;

case 16: //Hi-color (16 bits per pixel)
for (r=0;r < pbBmHdr->biHeight; r++)
for (p=0,q=0; p < pbBmHdr->biWidth; p++,q+=3)
nRow = (pbBmHdr->biHeight-r-1) * pbBmHdr->biWidth;
nPixel = nRow + p;

RGBQUAD quad = QuadFromWord(wPixels[nPixel]);

jsmpPixels[r][q+0] = quad.rgbRed;
jsmpPixels[r][q+1] = quad.rgbGreen;
jsmpPixels[r][q+2] = quad.rgbBlue;

case 24:
nBytesWide = (pbBmHdr->biWidth*3);
nUnused = (((nBytesWide + 3) / 4) * 4) –
nBytesWide += nUnused;

for (r=0;r biHeight;r++)
for (p=0,q=0;p < (nBytesWide-nUnused); p+=3,q+=3) { nRow = (pbBmHdr->biHeight-r-1) * nBytesWide;
nPixel = nRow + p;

jsmpPixels[r][q+0] = lpPixels[nPixel+2]; //Red
jsmpPixels[r][q+1] = lpPixels[nPixel+1]; //Green
jsmpPixels[r][q+2] = lpPixels[nPixel+0]; //Blue

case 32:
for (r=0; r < pbBmHdr->biHeight; r++)
for (p=0,q=0; p < pbBmHdr->biWidth; p++,q+=3)
nRow = (pbBmHdr->biHeight-r-1) *
nPixel = nRow + p;

jsmpPixels[r][q+0] = pRgbQs[nPixel].rgbRed;
jsmpPixels[r][q+1] = pRgbQs[nPixel].rgbGreen;
jsmpPixels[r][q+2] = pRgbQs[nPixel].rgbBlue;
} //end switch

return TRUE;

//This function turns a 16-bit pixel
//into an RGBQUAD value.
RGBQUAD QuadFromWord(WORD b16)
BYTE bytVals[] =
0, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
72, 80, 88, 96, 104,112,120,128,

WORD wR = b16;
WORD wG = b16;
WORD wB = b16;

wR <<= 1; wR >>= 11;
wG <<= 6; wG >>= 11;
wB <<= 11; wB >>= 11;


rgb.rgbReserved = 0;
rgb.rgbBlue = bytVals[wB];
rgb.rgbGreen = bytVals[wG];
rgb.rgbRed = bytVals[wR];

return rgb;

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