Environment: Visual Studio and C#
Here are the instructions necessary to have Visual Studio syntax-highlight your C# files.
- Locate the following key in your registry (using regedit or any other registry editor):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\DevStudio\6.0\Text Editor\Tabs/Language Settings\C/C++\FileExtensions
This value will contain a value like the following:
Simply add the .cs extension to the end as in this example:
- Download the usertype.dat file (at the bottom of this document)
and copy it to the same directory as msdev.exe
(Visual Studio editor) (By default this will be
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\common\msdev98\bin). This file contains all the C# keywords
Download (zipped) usertype.dat file (containing C# keywords) – 1 Kb