Environment: eMbedded Visual C++ 3
I took the code of Zafir Anjum and tried to compile it with eMbedded Visual C++ to use it on a Windows CE-based device, but it didn’t work. So, I changed his code so that it compiles and runs correctly. The code of Zafir Anjum doesn’t work with Unicode strings that are standardly used. I did not change this, but basically I changed all TCHAR variables and all generic text routines to their SBCS equivalents. (TCHAR to char and, for example, _tcslen (generic) to strlen (SBCS).)
Editor’s Note:
The original article is located at https://www.codeguru.com/string/reg_ex.shtml. It presents complete listings of the original code. To see the code created for eMbedded Visual C++, see the download file below.