Environment: Windows NT4 SP4, Visual C++ 6
This image shows an example of my CMacProgressCtrl and CMacSliderCtrl. For more
information on the CMacSliderCtrl, please refer to
this article.
This class is my attempt at recreating the progress control of the Macintosh. This
control (CMacProgressCtrl) allows you to change its colors as well as set an “indeterminate
state” (similar to the “barber pole” look of progress controls on the Mac). This state
can be used to indicate to the user that the length of time to finish the current
operation is unknown.
Public Member Functions
void SetColor(COLORREF crColor) COLORREF GetColor() void SetIndeterminate(BOOL bIndeterminate = TRUE) BOOL GetIndeterminate()
Steps to add a CMacProgressCtrl to a dialog
the corresponding controls you just added. If the CMacProgressCtrl classe
is not in the Variable Type list, choose CProgressCtrl, and manually change
the types in the header file of your dialog class.
Special Note: The demo and source files are the sames available in the
CMacSliderCtrl article.
Download demo project – 35 Kb
Download source – 11 Kb