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Some features of CTsyslistviewex, class derived from CListCtrl:
sort multicolumn (See: EnableSort, SortAllItems)
set functions (call back) for sort order. (see AddSortCallBack)
draw or not draw grid lines. (See ViewGridLines)
attach to one or more columns of resource bitmaps. (See AttachBitmap)
attach to one or more cells of resource bitmaps.(See AttachBitmapCell)
when user select one or more lines, all width of line is hightlighted.
support one or more lines bold, italics or both. (See SetBoldLine)
Some features of CTreeMultiColumnCtrl, class derived from CTsyslistviewex:
all features of CTsyslistviewex is supported, but sort is not yet implemented
support one tree in one column from list control (See: SetRootColumn).
support multiselect
user can easly input data in tree with function Fill.
I suppose that the tree control has 2 columns, name and description:
If the user calls:
control.Fill("Root1%Description of root1(Child1%DChild1,Child2%DChild2),Root2%3,Root3")
The control will contain something like this:
+ Root1 | Description of root1
Child1 | DChild1
CHild2 | DChild2
+ Root2 | 3
Expand and collapse of any items with keys +, -, <-, ->.
Recursively expands items if user press ‘*’, one one or more items.