A “How to” on placing a Toolbar on a dialog

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Last week I had to create a toolbar on a dialog. I have never done this
before and I was in too much of a hurry to want to figure it all out for myself. I
turned to the code guru for help. I did find a lot of good information, but what I
really needed was a no frills, straight forward example. Often I see other people
searching for a basic example of a toolbar on a dialog in the discussion board. The
attached source is a simple, straight forward example. The source is complete, just
open the dsp and compile.

The code is documented. These steps show how how I created the application and
non code pieces.

  • 1. Use the App Wizard to create a dialog based executable named DlgToolBar.
  • 2. On the dialog drop an owner drawn button. ‘Owner Draw’ is a property under
  • the styles tab. I will use the default name IDC_BUTTON1. Resize the button to
    the approximate size you want the tool bar.

  • 3. Insert a tool bar and add 5 buttons. Rename the buttons ID_BUTTON1,
    ID_BUTTON2 … ID_BUTTON_5. The name of our example toolbar is
    (Go to the resource tab and right click on the top folder to add a tool
  • 4. Click on one of the five buttons you just created and press Alt-Enter.
    Change the height to 30 and the width to 40.
  • 5. Open DlgToolBarDlg.h and add the class defination CbuttonOwnerDraw. This
    class will manage the owner drawn button and the messages from the toolbar.
  • 6. The rest of the code is pretty straight forward.
  • Other information:

    This is just a how to sample. It is not UNICODE. I maintain no rights or
    restrictions on the code. This example is not better or even as good as some of the
    dialogs other people have submitted. I do believe it is about as simple as possible.

    Download demo project – 15 KB

    Date Last Updated: April 3, 1999

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