What’s a Context Menu ?
A context menu (also called contextual, shortcut, and popup or pop-up menu) is a list of menu items that appear or visually represented in the form of a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that execute a behavior or action when invoked.
A context menu (also called contextual, shortcut, and popup or pop-up menu) is a list of menu items that appear or visually represented in the form of a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that execute a behavior or action when invoked.
One of the most common ways to invoke a context menu is by using a mouse, operations such as a right mouse click or middle click mouse operation.
An important observation to make here is the Context menu items change depending on the context on which they are invoked. In the simplest terms the context menu items change depending on the context they are invoked.
Figure shows the context menu being invoked when right clicked on the empty area of a desktop
Figure shows the context menu being invoked when right clicked on a directory/folder