Today’s app user base isn’t restricted to just one region.
In this article, we walk through the platform support available for developers
targeting Windows Phone to develop world ready Windows Phone applications.
Phone has built-in support to build world ready applications. This is
because of existing support for globalization and localization offered by Silverlight.
Before we dig into how we can build a globalized Windows
Phone application, let us take a minute to understand what it means to be a
truly globalized application.
A globalized application is one that can adapt to user’s
preference for date format, number format, etc. Built-in support for .NET Framework ensures
that globalization is a relatively easy task for a Windows Phone application developer.
Globalization Support in Windows Phone
Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango ” ( also referred to as Windows
Phone OS 7.1) supports displaying in 22 cultures (16 more than the first
version of Windows Phone (Windows Phone 7.0). The supported display cultures
are – Chinese Simplified (zh-CN), Chinese Traditional (zh-TW), Czech (cs-CZ),
Danish (da-DK), Dutch (nl-NL), English US (en-US), English UK, (en-GB), Finnish
(fi-FI), French (fr-FR), German (de-DE), Greek (el-GR), Hungarian (hu-HU),
Italian (it-IT), Japanese (ja-JP), Korean (ko-KR), Norwegian (nb-NO), Polish
(pl-PL), Portuguese (pt-BR), Russian (ru-RU), Spanish (es-ES) and Swedish
For sorting and formatting (for numbers, currency, time and
date), application developers can piggyback on the CultureInfo
class to use the built-in support, which already exists inside the .NET
Since Windows Phone platform distinguishes between Reading
Fonts and UI Fonts, it is imperative that application developers design and
test their application using both the fonts to ensure the application works
properly. This is especially important in the Eastern Asian languages where the
UI font is different from the Reading font.
To ensure that the character set is preserved when using the
WebBrowser control, application developers need to include the right encoding
To properly represent the text in a WebBrowser control 昧昨昪昪,
we need to represent it as below.
string content = <html><head><meta content="text/html; charset =utf-16"/></head><body>昧昨昪昪</body></html>;
Hands On
Let us create a very simple application, which support two
locales (en-US and en-GB, which stands for US English and UK English).
Create a new Visual Studio Silverlight
for Windows Phone project and call the solution WindowsPhoneGlobAppDemo.
Now in the default XAML page
generated, add a couple of buttons (title them US and UK) and a couple of
textblock and text boxes. Label each pair- one for date and another for currency).
In our simple globalized application, we will make sure that
the controls representing date and currency are able to render the date and
currency values in the right format depending on the region selected.
Now on the click event for the US button, add the following
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CultureInfo currentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = currentCulture; UpdateContent(); }
Add a similar code for click event for the UK button; note
that the CultureInfo object being generated is for the “en-GB” locale.
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CultureInfo currentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = currentCulture; UpdateContent(); }
Finally, create the helper method UpdateContent whose job is
to update the content after formatting it appropriately for the locale.
void UpdateContent() { float currency = float.Parse("100.50"); textBoxCurrency.Text = currency.ToString("c", NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; textBoxDate.Text = date.ToShortDateString(); }
Now build and run your application.
If you are running into compilation issues, you can download
a working copy of the source code below.
When we run the application and we click on the US button,
we notice that the values for the currency and Date fields are formatted per
the US locale.
Figure 1: Values for the currency and Date fields are formatted per
the US locale
We have the currency with the “$’ prefix and the Date in the
mm/dd/yyyy format.
Now, if we click on the UK button, we see…
Figure 2: The currency is now prepended by pound
…that the currency is now prepended by pound. And the date
is in DD/MM/YYYY format.
We are able to see that without writing any locate specific
code, we were able represent the data in the right format corresponding to the
So what really happened?
When we clicked on the US and UK buttons, we asked the
current thread to switch its locale. By changing the active locale, the date
formatting and currency formatting was automatically changed to represent the
currently selected locale. That is how we were able to see pounds and dollar
In this article, we learned how we can build globalized
Windows Phone applications using the CultureInfo class. I hope you have found
the information useful.