Today Google announced Buzz. This will be added to Google. You’ll find new icons on mobile google as well as find more on buzz at Google Buzz should allow you to share and communicate inside of Gmail and more. It extends what Gmail does with social networking. It tends to bring social media to gmail.
Auto-following in Google Buzz
You follow people you already have in Gmail
Rich, fast sharing experience in Google Buzz
Sharing videos, web content, images, and more. You can pull in activity from other social networks such as flickr, and more. Videos, Photos, and links get special attention. Photos can be seen in a photo viewer that shows images large and fast. Links are also treated specially in Buzz. When you share a link, Buzz grabs images, headlines, and more from the link and also shows those when you share.
Public and private sharing in Google Buzz
Share to just family and friends or publicly. When you post, you can post publicly that goes to your followers and more. If you publish to your private list, then you can post to groups from your gmail account or to custom groups you can create.
Inbox integration in Google Buzz
The inbox is where a lot of people are focused. Buzz brings social updates to your inbox. Buzz items can get into your inbox. When people comment on your stuff, the comments will appear in your inbox. Additionally, comments on your comments will arrive. The third way for items to get into your inbox is by using @replies. When you do an @replies, they will go to the inboxes.
“Just the Good Stuff”
Google Buzz tries to keep just the good stuff with you.
And more
Google is updating buzz into the mobile space too. You’ll find it added to, to, and in Google maps. You’ll be able to do things such as tie a buzz (aka tweet) to a geo location. Similarly, you can look around where you are located in geo maps and see what buzz posts people have made. Another interesting extension is to use a “Nearby” feature to see what people are saying around you.
There is a lot coming from Google. Much of it is similar to what other social groups have done. At the end of the day, though, it seems Google is working to integrate it all together. More importantly, they are integrating it into the mobile world as well. A lot of this is not new, but Google is definitely adding their spin.
Of course, the first question asked of Google when they announced Google Buzz related to the how Google Buzz and stalkers
Google Buzz is launching today