6 Articles Written

Ajay Yadav

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Data Types in C++/CLI

Variable declaration and manipulation with various data types is considered to be the most essential task in any of high-level programming language. In this...

Control Statements and Basic Loops in C++/CLI

This article emphasizes on the usage of statements to control the flow of execution through a C++/CLI application. Most languages offer keywords with which...

Object-Oriented Programming in C++/ CLI

This article elaborates the underlying object-oriented programming implementations, including inheritance interface, polymorphism, and many more in the context of C++/CLI programming. Object-oriented programming lets...

.NET Website Security Guidelines Checklist

.NET Website Security Guidelines Checklist Lead: Become proficient with security aspects before a web application goes live over the Internet. Web applications typically have been produced...

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Data Types in C++/CLI

Variable declaration and manipulation with various data types is considered to be the most essential task in any of...

Control Statements and Basic Loops in C++/CLI

This article emphasizes on the usage of statements to control the flow of execution through a C++/CLI application. Most...

.NET Website Security Guidelines Checklist

.NET Website Security Guidelines Checklist Lead: Become proficient with security aspects before a web application goes live over the Internet. Web...

Object-Oriented Programming in C++/ CLI

This article elaborates the underlying object-oriented programming implementations, including inheritance interface, polymorphism, and many more in the context of...

Introduction to C++/CLI Programming

An Overview C++/CLI is a mechanism that offers .NET framework capabilities in C++ coding. If you are a genuine native...

Programming with Code::Blocks

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