27 Articles Written

Gavin Lanata

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Image Processing with .NET Core

If you're new to .NET Core, and familiar with the full .NET Framework, you may or may not have noticed that the System.Drawing namespace—which...

Working with the EF Core and the...

If you've spent any time working with the full .NET Framework's Entity Framework, and wondering if this product is support by .Net Core, fear...

Top Programming Languages to Use for .NET...

Over the years, since .NET first appeared, there have been many languages created or adapted for use with .NET. IronLisp was one, but was...

Starting and Stopping Azure App Services from...

If you've been using Microsoft's Azure services for some time now, you'll be aware that the management portal has been through some major changes...

Using XAML IValueConverter to Do Creative Things...

Value Converters are present in all flavours of XAML, from WPF to UWP; but what are they? Value Converters are used in conjunction with...

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