6 Articles Written

Jeffrey Juday

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Securing Azure Service Bus and Azure Queuing...

Securing data at rest is often the center of concern for cloud adoption in the enterprise.  Secure communication protocols like SSL partially address the...

.NET Azure Queuing and Serialization

Serialization turns data structures into bytes for either transportation or persistence.  Understanding Serialization is important if a developer is contemplating Azure .NET Queuing on...

Microsoft Azure .NET Queuing Patterns

Azure Queues are part of the Azure Storage offerings.  Microsoft’s Azure SDK for .NET makes developing with Azure Queues accessible to .NET developers.   SDK...

Leap into the Clouds: A Consideration for...

Every developer dreams of building the next Facebook, YouTube, or Amazon.com. While I can’t promise you'll be the next Internet Mogul; I will guarantee...

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Securing Azure Service Bus and Azure Queuing Messages in .NET

Securing data at rest is often the center of concern for cloud adoption in the enterprise.  Secure communication protocols...

Leap into the Clouds: A Consideration for Developers

Every developer dreams of building the next Facebook, YouTube, or Amazon.com. While I can’t promise you'll be the next...

.NET Azure Queuing and Serialization

Serialization turns data structures into bytes for either transportation or persistence.  Understanding Serialization is important if a developer is...

Advanced Azure Queuing with the Sessions and the Service Bus

Microsoft Azure offers two queuing options: Azure Queues and Azure Service Bus.  Azure Queues offer basic queuing features.  Service...

Microsoft Azure .NET Queuing Patterns

Azure Queues are part of the Azure Storage offerings.  Microsoft’s Azure SDK for .NET makes developing with Azure Queues...

Implementing a WCF Message Contract

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is still the way to do SOAP integration with products like SharePoint 2010.  WCF implementations...

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