69% of PC and 85% of Tablet Users Would Like Their PCs and Tablets to Have the Same Interface

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A Windows 8 Developer Preview was released several months ago and an updated preview is due to be released any time (word on the street is end of February). When you look at Windows 8, and you consider statistics such as the one in my headline, you can see that things could get interesting when Windows 8 hits the market.

iYogi did a survey through their iYogi Insights initiative. They surveyed 1400 customers to understand how they would adopt Windows 8 across multiple devices. The key headline that iYogi was promoting from their survey is that the Windows 8 launch will accelerate the shipment of tablets. This is based on some of their results that show 69% of PC and 85% of tablet users affirm that they would like their PCs and tablet interfaces to have the same look and feel. It is this desire for a similar look and feel across devices that has the potential to make the coming of Windows 8 Tablets into the market very disruptive.

There were a number of other interesting statistics to come from their research. For example, only 15% of the people who responded said they had a tablet already. This indicates there is still a large market to be served in the tablet space. Of the people who did have tablets, 57% stated they like the idea of the Windows 8 touch-screen interface and would consider upgrading given the opportunity. The information I have didn’t say whether these were iPad owners versus other tablets.

Within their summary of their research, iYogi stats that approximately 40 million users have adopted tablets in the United States. This is about a 13% adoption level. They state that according to TechCrunch this will increase to 40% by 2015.

The survey also touched on the concept of tiles and a tile interface such as what Metro provides. 57% of the respondents would like to use the live Titles interface provided in Windows 8. In fact, 53% of the respondents stated they would want to work on the Metro Interface.

You can find the analysis of this survey on the iyogi site here. In the final slide of their research, they comment that the 1400 respondents were people on the Windows platform. This might bias the audience a bit. Even so, the stats are still interesting to consider.


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