You might be asking the question, “What more could Microsoft add or change in Microsoft Office?” If so, then now is your chance to find out with the new beta of Microsoft Office 2010.
Download the Office 2010 Beta from Here
Because I’m talking about Office already, let me do a free plug for Microsoft…
Do you use OneNote? If so, no reason to read on! If not, then do you attend a lot of meetings or attend conferences? Do go to classes? If so, you should check out OneNote. It is a great tool for organizing notes (hence the name) and other information into one place. It is like having a slate of paper where you can type, write, draw, record audio, and more. You can even highlight, flag areas, and otherwise mark up your notes too. If you’ve never tried it, then that is just one more reason to take a look at the Office 2010 beta. It is your chance to check out OneNote!