A bevelline with horizontal and vertical text

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The class described here replaces my former issue cdxCBevelLine.
This class provides the following options:

rotated_bevel.gif (5061 Byte)


  • A bevel line even if user has strange fonts
    (have you ever created a sunken static with a height of 1 for a bevelline and tested your
    program on a machine that has 200% larger fonts ?).
  • Text rotates appropiately (usable with any font).
  • Reacts properly on WM_ENABLEWINDOW.
  • Might be used as an example for my cdxCRot90DC (which you may find in the misc section
    of codeguru’s).

How to use (in a dialog):

  1. Add cdxCRotBevelLine.h, cdxCRotBevelLine.cpp, cdxCRot90DC.h and cdxCRot90DC.cpp to your
  2. Add a static control to your dialog resource.
    Enter some appropiate text to it.
    If your static’s width is greater than its height the bevelline will appear horizontal,
    vertical otherwise.
    If the bevelline is drawn vertically, the text is rotated by 900 degrees by default (left
    hand examples of upper image).
    To modify this, put a "~" in front of your control text (right hand bevels in
    the upper image).
  3. Change its ID to something like IDC_BEVEL_1, open classwizard and assign a member
    variable, type control (CStatic) to it ("m_wndBevel1" for example).
  4. Open your dialog class’ header file.
    Add #include "cdxCRotBevelLine.h".
    Find the line "CStatic m_wndBevel1;" and replace the "CStatic" by
  5. Compile and run.


  • This class may even be useful to you if you only need horizontal bevels.
    Some people mentioned that it’s enough to create a sunken static with a height of 1 (use
    Alt while sizing the control) and to put another text control over it.
    In fact, this will look really strange if the user choosed big fonts
    for his display – the dialog resource will automatically adapt the the newly found font
    and your height of 1 may become 3 or stuff – and suddenly friend user doesn’t have a
    bevelline but a sunken static.


Download demo project – 52 KB

Download source – 30 KB

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