CArchiveExt – Enhanced archiving class with encryption and compression

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CArchiveExt is enhanced archiving class derived from CArchive. It have 2 additional features: encryption and compression.
CArchiveExt class may be used instead of CArchive class in serialization.

The class uses the zlib source code.
The ‘zlib’ general purpose compression library version 1.1.3, July 9th, 1998.
Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.

To use CArchiveExt, do the following:

  • include CArchiveEx.h in your project
  • link your project with zlib.lib
  • use constructor CArchiveExt instead of CArchive
  • use standart functions of CArchive class for serialization, loading, saving etc.

CArchiveEx.h file:

struct ArcHeader
_TCHAR chSignature[3]; // “akz” 😉 (it may be replaced anyhow)
BYTE uchFlag; // 0-plane text; 1-compression; 2-encryption;
// 3-compression & encryption;
DWORD dwOriginalSize; // decompression size

class CArchiveExt : public CArchive
CString m_strKey; // Key for the encryption algorithm.
BOOL m_bCompress; // If TRUE then compress or de-compress the data
CFile* m_pFileTmp; // temporary file
BYTE* m_pBuf;

CArchiveExt(CFile* pFile, UINT nMode, int nBufSize = 4096, void* lpBuf = NULL, CString Key = _TEXT(“”), BOOL bCompress = FALSE);
// if Key is not empty then encrypt or decrypt the data
// if bCompress is TRUE then compress or de-compress the data

virtual ~CArchiveExt();

virtual void Close();
virtual void Abort();

virtual bool Crypto(LPSTR lpstrBuffer, ULONG ulLen, CString strKey = _TEXT(“”));
// This function may be overrided with your favourite algorithm
// lpstrBuffer – pointer to data
// ulLen – size of buffer
// strKey – key of encription algorithm

CArchiveEx.cpp file:

CString signature = _TEXT(“akz”);

// constructor
CArchiveExt::CArchiveExt(CFile* pFile, UINT nMode, int nBufSize, void* lpBuf, CString Key, BOOL bCompress)
:CArchive(pFile, nMode, nBufSize, lpBuf)
m_strKey = Key;
m_bCompress = bCompress;
m_pFileTmp = m_pFile;

// for simplicity, if encrypt is enabled then compress is enabled too
m_bCompress = TRUE;

// if loading exist file
int iComprErr;
CString Contents, Compress;
_TCHAR sign[4];
DWORD dwFileSize = m_pFileTmp -> GetLength();
LPSTR szContents = Contents.GetBuffer(dwFileSize);
DWORD dwComprSize;

m_pBuf = (BYTE *)new char[dwFileSize];
m_pFile = new CMemFile(m_pBuf, dwFileSize, 1024);

m_pFileTmp -> SeekToBegin();

// read header
ArcHeader ahead;
m_pFileTmp -> Read(&ahead, sizeof(ahead));

sign[0] = ahead.chSignature[0];
sign[1] = ahead.chSignature[1];
sign[2] = ahead.chSignature[2];
sign[3] = _TEXT(‘’);

// if compress and encrypt is enabled, and file contains signature
if(signature == sign)
dwFileSize = m_pFileTmp -> ReadHuge(szContents, dwFileSize);

// if file compressed and encryption
if(ahead.uchFlag == 3)
ULONG crc = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
// decription
Crypto(szContents, dwFileSize, m_strKey);

// compute CRC decripted file
crc = adler32(crc, (const unsigned char*)szContents, dwFileSize);
if(crc != ahead.ulCRC)
AfxMessageBox(“Password incorrect!!!”);

// size of decompressed file
dwComprSize = ahead.dwOriginalSize;
LPSTR szCompress = Compress.GetBuffer(dwComprSize);
iComprErr = uncompress((LPBYTE)szCompress, &dwComprSize, (LPBYTE)szContents, dwFileSize);
ASSERT(iComprErr == Z_OK);

m_pFile -> WriteHuge(szCompress, dwComprSize);
// if compress and encrypt is enabled, but file does not contain signature
m_pFileTmp -> SeekToBegin();
dwFileSize = m_pFileTmp -> ReadHuge(szContents, dwFileSize);
m_pFile -> WriteHuge(szContents, dwFileSize);
m_pFile -> SeekToBegin();
// if save file
m_pBuf = (BYTE *)new char[1024];
m_pFile = new CMemFile(m_pBuf, 1024, 1024);

if (m_pFile != NULL && !(m_nMode & bNoFlushOnDelete))

Abort(); // abort completely shuts down the archive

void CArchiveExt::Abort()
if(m_bCompress && m_pFile != NULL)
m_pBuf = (BYTE *)(((CMemFile*)m_pFile)->Detach());
delete m_pBuf;
m_pFile -> Close();
delete m_pFile;


void CArchiveExt::Close()

// if save file
int iComprErr;
CString Compress;
DWORD dwFileSize = m_pFile -> GetLength();
DWORD dwComprSize;

m_pBuf = (BYTE *)(((CMemFile*)m_pFile)->Detach());
dwComprSize = (DWORD)(dwFileSize * 1.1) + 12;
LPSTR szCompress = Compress.GetBuffer(dwComprSize);
iComprErr = compress((LPBYTE)szCompress, &dwComprSize, m_pBuf, dwFileSize);
ASSERT(iComprErr == Z_OK);

ULONG crc = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
crc = adler32(crc, (const unsigned char*)szCompress, dwComprSize);
Crypto(szCompress, dwComprSize, m_strKey);

ArcHeader ahead;
ahead.chSignature[0] = _TEXT(‘a’);
ahead.chSignature[1] = _TEXT(‘k’);
ahead.chSignature[2] = _TEXT(‘z’);
ahead.dwOriginalSize = dwFileSize;
ahead.uchFlag = m_strKey.IsEmpty()?1:3;
ahead.ulCRC = crc;

m_pFileTmp -> Write(&ahead, sizeof(ahead));
m_pFileTmp -> WriteHuge(szCompress, dwComprSize);
m_pBuf = (BYTE *)(((CMemFile*)m_pFile)->Detach());
delete m_pBuf;
m_pFile -> Close();
delete m_pFile;
m_pFile = NULL;

bool CArchiveExt::Crypto(LPSTR lpstrBuffer, ULONG ulLen, CString strKey)
return FALSE;

int nLenKey = strKey.GetLength();

for(ULONG ii=0; ii<ulLen; ii++)
for(int jj=0; jj<nLenKey; jj++)
lpstrBuffer[ii] ^= strKey[jj];
return TRUE;

Download demo project – 86 KB

Download source – 40 KB

Date Last Updated: May 7, 1999

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