CLinkedList Doubly Linked List Class

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Environment: Visual Studio, All Windows platforms

It seems that over time, all programmers, engineers and other code authors have come to terms with and fully understand some of the abstract data types that come with the territory of C/C++ coding.  Many prefer to use their own abstract data types, while others use some of the existing algorithms provided by the Standard Template Library (STL) or elsewhere. My own list routines evolved over time and I believe this particular set of Doubly Linked List routines should provide most of the full-blown functionality that any coder would ever need.

This source code began its early days in the “C” language before the advent of C++ (yes, this indicates how old I am) and subsequently the STL and its associated Container classes, templates, algorithms, etc. As such, the CLinkedList class is extremely stable, and if you believe that the STL is suitable,  please continue to do so by all means. However, if you’re looking for that extra speed that you think could make a difference in your final product, or need a solution on a legacy product, then the CLinkedList class is definitely worthwhile having a look at, because there are virtually no processing overheads when compared to the number of corresponding or appropriate STL function calls.

For those STL users reading this documentation, the obvious and proper use of classes and templates was not in the forefront of my mind when writing the examples, hence the heavy use of type casting the list return data. For this, I offer my apologies to the more discerning user/reader. The intent is to demonstrate functionality rather than style or other programming idioms. Also, if you compile this project, the output is meant to be read.

The source code is fully commented. There is also a set of HTML Help Files included with many examples.

Below is a list of the CLinkedList class member functions, Happy Coding!

Constructor(...)         The constructor for the class.
int    dladd( void* data )     Add ( insert ) a node into the list
int    dladdins( void* data )  Add a node to the list with an insertion sort.
int    dlatmark( void )        Test to see if at a previously marked
                               node in the list.
void*  dlbsearch( void* data ) Perform a binary search of the list.
long   dlcount( void)          Return the number of nodes in the list.
int    dlclear(void)           Deletes all nodes retaining an empty list.
int    dldelete( void )         Delete the current node.
void*  dlfind( void* data )    Find a node in the list with this data.
void*  dlget( void )            Get currency, a "fresh" copy of
                                   the data in the current node.
void*  dlgoback( void )         Travel backwards through the
                                   list to the previous node.
void*  dlgofwd( void )          Travel forwards through the list to the
                                   next node.
int    dlinsert( void* data )  Insert a node into the list at this point.
int    dlmark( void )           Mark (tag) a particular node in the list.
long   dlposn( void )           Return the nodes position in the list.
int    dlqsort( void )          Sort the list using the qsort() library
int     dlreplace( void* data )  Replace the current node with this data.
int     dlrewind( void )         Rewind to the start of the list.
int     dlsetcompare( pfunction ) Change the user supplied comparison
                                   function to another.
int     dlsort( void )           Sort the list using a primitive swap
                                   sort algorithm.
bool    dlsorted( void )         Flag indicating whether the list is
                                   sorted or not.
void*   dltofirst( void )        Go to the first node in the list.
void*   dltolast( void )         Go to the last node in the list.
int     dltomark( void )         Go to a previously marked node in the
int     dlunmark( void )         Unmark a previously marked node.
int     DumpMemory( )            Dump the contents of some memory to
                                   the debug screen.
int     dldumplist( void )       Dump the contents of the entire list
                                   to the debug screen.
int     dldumpnode( void )       Dump the contents of a single node to
                                   the debug screen.
int     operator<<( void* )     The same as dladd()
void*  operator[]( long )       Array access operator
void*  operator++( int )        Equates to dlgofwd()
void*  operator--( int )        Equates to dlgoback()


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