CreateDragImage for multiple selected items in CListCtrl

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Sample Image

Environment: VC6 SP2, NT4 SP4

Currently the CreateDragImage method from CListCtrl only supports the generation of drag images of a single selected item (at least I didn’t found an alternative in the Win API).
Inspired by an article from Pel K Txnder I found one way to create drag images for multiple selections.

The trick is to create a bitmap in a memory dc and paint the drag image from each selected item into it.
This bitmap is added to the drag imagelist.
The code enhances a derived CListCtrl (CListCtrlEx) with the method CreateDragImageEx.
However, it should also work with a few modifications without subclassing the CListCtrl.

CImageList *CListCtrlEx::CreateDragImageEx( LPPOINT lpPoint )
	CRect	cSingleRect;
	CRect	cCompleteRect( 0,0,0,0 );
	int	nIdx;
	BOOL	bFirst = TRUE;
	// Determine the size of the drag image
	POSITION pos = GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
	while (pos)
		nIdx = GetNextSelectedItem( pos );
		GetItemRect( nIdx, cSingleRect, LVIR_BOUNDS );
		if (bFirst)
			// Initialize the CompleteRect
			GetItemRect( nIdx, cCompleteRect, LVIR_BOUNDS );
			bFirst = FALSE;
		cCompleteRect.UnionRect( cCompleteRect, cSingleRect );

	// Create bitmap in memory DC
	CClientDC	cDc(this);
	CDC		cMemDC;
	CBitmap   	cBitmap;

		return NULL;

	if(!cBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&cDc, cCompleteRect.Width(), cCompleteRect.Height()))
		return NULL;

	CBitmap* pOldMemDCBitmap = cMemDC.SelectObject( &cBitmap );
	// Here green is used as mask color
	cMemDC.FillSolidRect(0,0,cCompleteRect.Width(), cCompleteRect.Height(), RGB(0, 255, 0));

	// Paint each DragImage in the DC
	CImageList *pSingleImageList;
	CPoint		cPt;

	pos = GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
	while (pos)
		nIdx = GetNextSelectedItem( pos );
		GetItemRect( nIdx, cSingleRect, LVIR_BOUNDS );

		pSingleImageList = CreateDragImage( nIdx, &cPt);
		if (pSingleImageList)
			pSingleImageList->DrawIndirect( &cMemDC,
							CPoint( cSingleRect.left-cCompleteRect.left, ),
			delete pSingleImageList;

	cMemDC.SelectObject( pOldMemDCBitmap );
	// Create the imagelist	with the merged drag images
	CImageList* pCompleteImageList = new CImageList;

	pCompleteImageList->Create(	cCompleteRect.Width(),
					ILC_COLOR | ILC_MASK, 0, 1);
	// Here green is used as mask color
	pCompleteImageList->Add(&cBitmap, RGB(0, 255, 0));

	// as an optional service:
	// Find the offset of the current mouse cursor to the imagelist
	// this we can use in BeginDrag()
	if ( lpPoint )
		CPoint cCursorPos;
		GetCursorPos( &cCursorPos );
		ScreenToClient( &cCursorPos );
		lpPoint->x = cCursorPos.x - cCompleteRect.left;
		lpPoint->y = cCursorPos.y -;

	return( pCompleteImageList );

Sample usage:

void CDialogWhichUsesListCtrl::OnBeginDrag(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
	POINT pt;

	m_pDragImage = m_ctlList.CreateDragImageEx( &pt );

	m_pDragImage->BeginDrag( 0, pt );
	m_pDragImage->DragEnter( GetDesktopWindow(), pNMListView->ptAction);
	*pResult = 0;


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