Environment: VC6 SP5, WIN2K SP2
This is a template class for creating hovering controls. It uses the _TrackMouseEvent method to recieve notifications regarding mouse events.
To use it, you need to create a new class deriving from the desired type (CButton, CEdit, and so forth) and add the template code there. You also need to override two pure virtual functions: OnOverEnter() and OnHoverLeave(). Your class recieves notifications via those functions. There is also a function called IsHover(), which can return the hovering state.
In the demo project, I’ve created two simple classes; one is derived from CButton and the other one is derived from CEdit. They both react to mouse events.
#include “TrackControl.h”
class CHoverButton : public CTrackControl<CButton>
virtual void OnHoverEnter()
virtual void OnHoverLeave()