CSpinEdit that Displays Additional Text

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The CSpinEdit is an alternative control for standard CSpinButtonCtrl, but has
new features: 

  • Supports spinning data with mouse wheel
  • Automatically increases data when pressing the upper button, but decreases if pressing the lower button
  • The spinned data type can be integer , float or double
  • You can specify the decimal digits
  • If you provide valid extra-text parameter, the string will be displayed on the control on the left side of numeric data
  • The SpinEdit uses inplaced edit control to edit spinned data


Follow these steps in order to use the CSpinEdit control.

  1. Include the following files in your project
  2. Add a Custom Control to dialog
  3. Set the class to "SPINEDITCTRL"
  4. Add a member variable after the line "//}}AFX_DATA" to the dialog class
    CSpinEdit m_SpinEdit;
  5. Add the following weight line in the method "DoDataExchange "
    in the implementation file.

    void CSpinDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
     DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RADIOINT, m_nDataType);
     DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITSTEP, m_dbStep);
     DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITPOINT, m_bPos);
     DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITMIN, m_dbMin);
     DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITMAX, m_dbMax);
     DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITEXTRATEXT, m_strExtraText);
     DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECKTEXT, m_bNeedText);
     DDX_SpinEditControl(pDX, IDC_SPINEDIT, m_SpinEdit);
  6. The initialization and parameters setting of the control is like
    common controls.

Dynamically Creating a CSpinEdit in a View

  1. Include the following files in your project:
  2. Add a member variable to your view( suppose the view is CSpinEditCtrlView in the demo )
    CSpinEdit *m_pSpinEdit;
  3. Initialize it in the view’s constructor
    m_pSpinEdit = NULL;
  4. 4. Create the control in the menu command handler
    void CSpinEditCtrlView::OnSpinDynamic()
     // TODO: Add your command handler code here
     if( m_pSpinEdit != NULL )return;
     m_pSpinEdit = new CSpinEdit;
     CRect rect(100,100,300,130);
     m_pSpinEdit->Create( this,
                             WS_VISIBLE );
     m_pSpinEdit->SetParams( SE_DOUBLE,
                                2, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0.01,
                                TRUE, "example" );
  5. You can access the value via
    double dbCurValue = m_pSpinEdit->GetCurValue();

    Unfortunately, you have to cast the result to integer type if you expect integer value.

  6. Delete it in the view’s destructor:
    if( m_pSpinEdit != NULL )
     delete m_pSpinEdit;


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