Displaying text on a Toolbar

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This article was contributed by Michael Brannan.

Here is a little bit of code for adding text to your toolbars. In the sample
there is a CToolBar derived class that overrides LoadToolBar(…) and adds the
text to the toolbar according to the command id of the button. The text added in
the example is the last line of text from the resource string whose id is the
same as the command id of the button. So for ID_FILE_NEW we have the standard
string "Create a new document\nNew" which would give us a button text
of "New" where as if we change ID_FILE_NEW to "Create a new
document\nNew\nNew File" this will cause "New File" to be
displayed on the toolbar button.

After the button text has been added the buttons are resized so
that you can see the text proplerly. The main code for this is as follows:

BOOL CTextToolBar::LoadToolBar(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName)
BOOL bReturn = CToolBar::LoadToolBar(lpszResourceName);

// Check if we loaded the toolbar.
if (bReturn == FALSE)
return bReturn;

// Make it flat.
ModifyStyle(0, GetStyle()|TBSTYLE_FLAT);

// Set the text for each button
CToolBarCtrl& bar = GetToolBarCtrl();

// Remove the string map in case we are loading another toolbar into this control
if (m_pStringMap)
delete m_pStringMap;
m_pStringMap = NULL;

int nIndex = 0;

for (nIndex = bar.GetButtonCount() - 1; nIndex >= 0; nIndex--)
ZeroMemory(&tb, sizeof(TBBUTTON));
bar.GetButton(nIndex, &tb);

// Do we have a separator?
if ((tb.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP) == TBSTYLE_SEP)

// Have we got a valid command id?
if (tb.idCommand == 0)

// Get the resource string if there is one.
CString strText;
LPCTSTR lpszButtonText = NULL;
CString strButtonText(_T(""));
_TCHAR seps[] = _T("\n");


if (!strText.IsEmpty())
lpszButtonText = _tcstok((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strText, seps);

strButtonText = lpszButtonText;
lpszButtonText = _tcstok(NULL, seps);

if (!strButtonText.IsEmpty())
SetButtonText(nIndex, strButtonText);

// Resize the buttons so that the text will fit.
CRect rc(0, 0, 0, 0);
CSize sizeMax(0, 0);

for (nIndex = bar.GetButtonCount() - 1; nIndex >= 0; nIndex--)
bar.GetItemRect(nIndex, rc);

sizeMax.cx = __max(rc.Size().cx, sizeMax.cx);
sizeMax.cy = __max(rc.Size().cy, sizeMax.cy);
SetSizes(sizeMax, CSize(16,15));

return bReturn;

Last updated: 4 December 1998

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