HexTools, Hex and Binary Dialog Controls

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Environment: VC6 SP4, NT4 SP6, W98 SE, W2000 SP1

I was missing hex and binary controls in the MFC. First I created a CEdit derived class; however, this solution didn’t satisfied me. I think it’s much more comfortable for a developer to use only one DDX_Custom(..) function in the dialogs DoDataExchange(..) instead of having an CWnd derived member. Neither the “BitWnd.h” nor the “HexText.h” have to be included in the dialogs header file. CBitWnd and CHexText are two independent classes.


CBitWnd is a CStatic derived class that is dynamically allocated and sub classed during the call to the DDX_BitWnd(..) function. It uses CheckBoxes

How to use:

Add a Static control to your dialog resource.
Include the “BitWnd.h” to your dialogs CPP-File:

#include “BitWnd.h”

Add the

template <typename T_>
inline void DDX_BitWnd(
CDataExchange* pDX, //
// the Parent with this ID

T_&value, // the value
BOOL bVertical=FALSE, // low bit right(default), vertical: low
// bit top

int nCountOfBits=0, // 0 : creates sizeof(value)*8 Checkboxes
CStringArray *pStringArray =NULL, // NULL: button text= “0”..”n”
DWORD dwDisableMask=0x00000000, // You may disable some of the
// lowest 32 bits

int nSpaceExtra = 2) // the space behind each 4th
// Checkbox in Pixel

to your dialogs DoDataExchange() outside the AFX_DATA_MAP comments:

void CHexToolsDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)

// with default parameter : horizontal, display all bits, Text: “0”..”n”,
// all bits enabled, 2 Pixel space between each 4th and 5th Checkbox



CHexText is a container class for static stringconversion functions. The Headers contains overload DDX_HexText(..) functions for BYTE, WORD, DWORD, char, short, int and CString. It is possible to show/edit strings that contain NULL-char.

How to use:

  • Add the “HexText.h” and “HexText.cpp” to your project.
  • Add an edit control to your dialog template.(e.g. IDC_EDIT_MYSTRING)
  • Create a member with the Class Wizard.( e.g. m_strMyString)
  • Include the “HexText.h” to your dialogs CPP-File:
  • Replace the DDX_Text(..) with DDX_HexText in your dialogs DoDataExchange(..),
    and move it out of the AFX_DATA_MAP comments:

void CHexToolsDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)



There’s an aditional function:

void  DDX_TextHexBracket(CDataExchange* pDX,int nID, CString &str);

It shows characters in the Range of [32..127] as characters an theotherasdecimalnumberslikeHTML-tags:<0>..<31>,<127>..<255>. Usually I use this to monitor serial IO for protocols that include plain text as well as non-printable characters like STX , ETX or NULL.


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