How to Use RichEditControl 4.1 in CRichEditView

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By Flaviu Marc (mesajflaviu)


The last available version of Windows RichEdit control is 4.1. However, the MFC framework still uses older versions of this control. For example, MFC 6.0 uses RichEdit control 1, which is very obsolete and even newer MFC versions that shipped with Visual Studio 2005-2010 use RichEdit control 2 or 3.

How to Overcome This?

In order to use RichEdit control 4.1 in CRichEditView MFC class, and enjoy its new features, we can do the following steps:

Step 1

In the MFC application class (derived from CWinApp) load the MSFTEDIT.DLL library module, which contains RichEdit control 4.1.

BOOL CRichEdit41App::InitInstance()
   // Load RichEdit 4.1 library
   HMODULE hRE41Module = ::LoadLibrary(_T("MSFTEDIT.DLL"));
   if(NULL == hRE41Module)
      AfxMessageBox(_T("RichEdit 4.1 library could not be loaded"));
      return FALSE;
   // ...

Step 2

In the MFC view class (derived from CRichEditView) constructor, set the window class name for RichEdit 4.1, which is “RICHEDIT50W“.

// Note: MSFTEDIT_CLASS is not defined in MFC6.0 and older

   m_strClass = MSFTEDIT_CLASS;

Step 3

In the WM_DESTROY message handler, move below the base class method call.
Note: this step is necessary in MFC6.0 and older.

void CRichEdit41View::OnDestroy()
   // CRichEditView::OnDestroy(); // <-- move this line below
   COleClientItem* pActiveItem = GetDocument()->GetInPlaceActiveItem(this);
   if (pActiveItem != NULL && pActiveItem->GetActiveView() == this)
      ASSERT(GetDocument()->GetInPlaceActiveItem(this) == NULL);
   CRichEditView::OnDestroy(); // <-- moved from above

Demo Application

The project attached here demonstrates how to load RichEdit 4.1 in a simple MFC-based application, and then enjoy its features like multiple Undo/Redo.


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