Use the Date/Time Picker common control (2)

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I just read the article “Use the Date/Time Picker common control
(IE3+)” and now I’ll try to explain my code.

I want to use only MFC interface for all my applications,then when
MFC doesn’t wrap some API and I want to use it,I write a MFC class.

In the article I just read,I see a GOOD IDEA for use Data/Time
but If you have a MFC class you can have a self control
that has more feature .
I wrote a MFC class that wrap Date Picker Control (no Time
picker for now) that allows you



C) Auto InitCommonControlsEx

D) Data changing notifycation


1. The default contructor assigns the current date.


2.SetRange – this method assign dt1 current value and a range
from dt1 to dt2 (I want use only MFC class)

	SetRange(COleDateTime* dt1,COleDateTime* dt2);

3. SetRange – this method assign current date value and a range
from < dayback > back to < dayafter > forward

SetRange(365,0) from a year ago to today;

SetRange(1,1) from yesterday to tomorrow;

	SetRange(int dayback,int dayafter);

4. You don’t need data exchange the control provide it
when you need the value you have a COleDateTime Value
with the method GetCurDate(),it dosn’t matter if the there are a
on not.

5. the subclassing method is

BOOL  SetData(UINT idc,CWnd* parent,BOOL empty = TRUE,BOOL updown = FALSE);


idc is the static control yo’ve placed in the dialog parent is the dialog object

empty = TRUE empty value is allowed (check box)

updown = TRUE updown style

To use the control

1. Put a static control in your dialog for each data picker
control you need

CBaseDataPk m_pk1;
CBaseDataPk m_pk2;

2. in the InitDialog put this code

  m_pk1.SetRange(60,0);  // from 60 days back to today
  m_pk1.SetData(IDC_DATAPK1,this); // subclass1
  m_pk2.SetRange(1,1); // from yesterday to tomorrow
  m_pk2.SetData(IDC_DATAPK2,this); // subclass2 ,FALSE,TRUE);


I wrote some update to Date Picker Class :

In the new implementation you can now

1) Easily test null value

through IsNullDate() method

2) Initial Null Value
through new implementation of
SetRange methods

void SetRange(COleDateTime* dt1,COleDateTime* dt2,BOOLnulvalue=FALSE,BOOL updatecurvalue = TRUE);
void SetRange(int dayback,int dayafter,BOOL nullvalue =FALSE,BOOL updatecurvalue = TRUE);

3) Buddy Support. New methods are

	CBaseDataPk* GetBuddy() { return m_pDataBuddy; }
	void SetBuddy(CBaseDataPk* p) {  m_pDataBuddy = p; }

The Buddy support allow you to have another CBaseDatePk control
that changes his range dynamically when the first (master) CBaseDatePk
changes his value.

To use Buddy feature in the InitDialog put this code:

  m_pk1.SetRange(60,5,TRUE);  // FROM 60 DAYS BACK TO 5 DAYS FORWARD ,initial null value
  m_pk1.SetBuddy(&m_pk2);  // m_pk1 master m_pk2 slave

the master m_pk1 changes the range of m_pk2 when his value changes
so you’ll be sure that the date of m_pk1 is always < of m_pk2 if you uncheck box (null value) from m_pk1 then m_pk2 becomes unchecked at last if only m_pk2 has a good value then m_pk1 has the same value.

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