Year and Month Selector Control (2)

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ymselect2.gif (5608 bytes)

One of the things I love about CodeGuru is that you can modify the examples to look
just how you want them to, not how someone else wants them to. Recently I needed a control
that would enable the user to to select just the month, and year, NOT the day. Shekar Naranan‘s Year and Month Selector Control
was just what I had been looking for. It was a very useful piece of code, however it just
seemed rather "flat" to me, so I decided to change the look of it and along the
way I added other features to it.

  • The popup window now has a 3D border, the cell border have been removed, and the popup
    window has been shrunk. Also other minor costmetic alterations have been made.
  • Cursor Keys. When the popup window is displayed the cursur / arrow keys
    may be used to move the selection.
  • Space / Return Keys. Pressing the space bar or the return key within
    the popup window now chooses the current selection.
  • "Cool Look" Flat Buttons. The "<<" and
    ">>" keys have now been made into cool look flat buttons.
  • Keith Rules CMemDC class used to stop flickering.

  For an explantion on how to use this class please refer to Shekar’s original
article here.

Download Example Project – 24 KB

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