Debug Output

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This program is showing all debug information when your
program is running, not in the Debug output window of your
compiler, but in an other window.
The reason for DbgOut doesn’t use OutputDebugString is to show
always debug string in an other window (like in the old day Win

You can save, modify or print this information (DbgOut.exe is
using an EditView from MFC)

Main macro
DBGOUT : show a formatting string
DBGOUT_LASTERROR : Show last error message in an human way

The main difference with Message Tacer is there are no lib to
link. Only include DbgOut.h and voil`.
You can see every OutputDebugString of processes not attach to a
debugger, or string send by DBGOUT macro.

Program option

  • Always on top
  • show all OutputDebugString with the pid of the process
    who send it

You could find in this program :

  • a way to run a single instance under NT.
  • managing UNICODE and ANSI string
  • an example of using WM_COPYDATA as IPC
#include <DbgOut.h>
    int foo = 66;
    DBGOUT (_T("Something to say (%d)"), foo);
    if ( ! m_file.Open (pPath, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite, &m_fileException))
        DBGOUT_LASTERROR (_T("Open (%s)\n"), pPath);
        return FALSE;

Download source – 24KB

Date Posted: 07/07/98

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