Active Objects Pattern Futures with .NET Framework Task Parallel Library

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is a common pattern for hiding access to concurrent data
structures and simplifying an object’s interface. Task Parallel
Library (TPL)
includes all the structures needed to build an Active

Of course concurrency cannot always be completely hidden
from a consuming client. For example, how does a method on an Active Object
handle a return value to the client when the value is being generated somewhere
in a Threadpool? The Active Object Pattern guidelines recommend using a Future.
In TPL a Future is implemented using the Task class. (See Understanding
Tasks in .NET Framework 4.0 Task Parallel Library

There are multiple TPL approaches to implementing the Active
Object Pattern’s Future. A few of those approaches will be examined in this

Active Object Overview

The Active Object Pattern has the following conventions:

  • It has a Proxy supporting client interaction.
  • It includes Request messages that encapsulate the desired Proxy invocation.
  • A Scheduler receives the Request messages from the Proxy and
    maintains a Request message Queue. The Scheduler runs on a Thread separate from
    the client containing the Proxy and handles execution scheduling.
  • A Servant performs the execution according to the Scheduler’s
    Request message.
  • The Active Object can return a value using a callback mechanism
    like a Future. This scenario is the focus of this article.

The graphic below depicts the interaction between the
components above.

Active Object An Object Behavioral Pattern for Concurrent Programming
Figure 1: Source: “Active Object An Object Behavioral
Pattern for Concurrent Programming”

As stated earlier the article will focus on different
approaches to implementing the Future return value in TPL.

Wait in the Proxy

The first approach is to leverage a Task inside of the
Active Object Proxy. A client using the application blocks until the operation
completes. A timeout on the Task.Wait ensures that the client will not block
forever. Sample code for the approach appears below.

            var d = proxy.Print_Synchronous("Some data 1");
            Console.WriteLine("Return Synchronously " + d);

        public string Print_Synchronous(string data)
            var t = ProcessScheduler.ScheduleCompletion(new ExecuteRequest(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), data));


            return t.Result;

A benefit of this approach is the client never deals with
concurrency unless the Task.Wait times out. The Proxy must choose how to handle
the generated Exception. Task Exceptions are packaged in an AggregateException.
A complete review of the AggregateException is beyond the scope of this

The approach works well if the operation is expected to have
a maximum duration. To handle a variable timeout; durations can be configured
in a configuration file or passed into the method.

On the downside; the operation blocks the client. If
blocking is not desirable a developer can return a Task class to the client.


A complete introduction to the Task class is beyond the scope
of this article, but there is an introduction here: Understanding
Tasks in .NET Framework 4.0 Task Parallel Library
. The Task sample
appears below.

            var t2 = proxy.Print_Task(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),"Some data 3");

            Task.WaitAll(new Task[2] { t1, t2 });

        public Task<string> Print_Task(string jobId, string data)
            return ProcessScheduler.ScheduleTask(new ExecuteRequest(jobId, data));

        public static Task<string> ScheduleTask(ExecuteRequest request)
            var job = new JobTask(request, _servant);

            return job.Run();

    internal class JobTask
        private ExecuteRequest _request = null;
        private Servant _servant = null;

        public JobTask(ExecuteRequest request, Servant servant)
            _request = request;
            _servant = servant;

        public Task<string> Run()
            return Task.Factory.StartNew<string>(() =>
                return _servant.Execute(_request);


Print_Task returns a Task<string> class. A consuming
client can Wait on the Task class or invoke
a Continuation
in response to a Task class. Unlike the synchronous example;
the client can make multiple invocations and wait on completion of all the
invoked Tasks.

With multiple Tasks a consuming client may have difficulty
correlating the completed Task back to the originating invocation. A Guid, int,
or a string all make good correlating identifiers. Unlike the sample, however,
it may be more helpful to wrap the results and the identifier in another data

A variation on the Task is to use a TaskCompletionSource
inside the Active Object.


Like the Task example, the TaskCompletionSource sample returns
a Task class. The TaskCompletionSource sample appears below.

            var t1 = proxy.Print_Completion(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),"Some data 2");

            Task.WaitAll(new Task[2] { t1, t2 });

        public static Task<string> ScheduleCompletion(ExecuteRequest request)
            var job = new JobCompletion(request, _servant);


            return job.Completion.Task;

    internal class JobCompletion
        public TaskCompletionSource<string> Completion = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();

        private ExecuteRequest _request = null;
        private Servant _servant = null;

        public JobCompletion(ExecuteRequest request, Servant servant)
            _request = request;
            _servant = servant;

        public void Run()
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                _servant.Execute(_request, Completion);


public void Execute(ExecuteRequest request, TaskCompletionSource<string> completion)
    Console.WriteLine("Starting print " + request.Context + "...");

    Console.WriteLine("Done printing " + request.Context + " " + request.Data + "...");

    completion.TrySetResult(request.Context);//only use this with the Async methods


TaskCompletionSource allows a developer to control the
completion and result of a Task class; rather than tying the Task result to the
result of an Action delegate.

TaskCompletionSource is best used for the Asynchronous
Programming Model
(APM) or another .NET operation that either behaves
asynchronously or executes in its own Thread. Rather than tying up a Thread in
the Threadpool; an APM operation includes the TaskCompletionSource in the
operation state.


No TPL article would be complete without mentioning
Cancellation. Aborting running operations require a CancellationToken and an
Action delegate checking for the cancellation status. There are many ways a
consuming client could cancel the work. For example: the Active Object could
include an additional Cancel method that accepts the Task object and maps the
Task back to a CancellationToken.

A complete review of Cancellations is beyond the scope of
this article; but for a good resource, see Understanding
.NET Framework Task Parallel Library Cancellations


Active Object is a common pattern for hiding access to
concurrent data structures and simplifying an object’s interface. Active Object
implementation difficulties arise when a method must return a value back to the
client via a Future or Callback. Task Parallel Library is equipped with Tasks
and TaskCompletionSource object to ease the difficulty.


Object: An Object Behavioral Pattern for Concurrent Programming

When to Use an Active Object Instead of a Mutex

Using Futures or Callbacks to Communicate Asynchronous Results

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