C# 4.0 introduces flexible and declarative style of programming by using the dynamic language runtime library (DLR). This style is called dynamic programming. Dynamic programming might not be new to you if you are a C++, Python or Ruby developer. Programmers can now use the ‘Dynamic’ keyword (the new static type) for creating typed objects or placeholders. These dynamic type objects bypass compile-time type checking that’s why types of these placeholders are unknown until runtime. In .NET framework 4.0 architecture DLR is built on top of CLR (common language runtime) to support dynamism of dynamic programming languages like Python and Ruby . In this article I will show how you can create dynamic objects using the ‘Dynamic’ keyword.
How to Use Dynamic
Let me first show you some code snipped from a dynamic type declaration. You just need to declare a variable whose static type is dynamic. As I have already discussed above, dynamic is typed objects or placeholders (like var in Visual Basic) that indicates the compiler that object type will be resolved dynamically.
dynamic objdynamic = "Dynamic Programming Sample"; dynamic objstring = objdynamic; dynamic objint = 1; dynamic objlist = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
In the above example type of ‘objstring
‘ object will be System.String
at run-time. You can also assign a return value of any method to dynamic objects. The following code snippet demonstrates:
static void Main ( string[] args ) { dynamic objdynamic = GetDynamicObject(); } public static int GetDynamicObject ( ) { int i = 3; int j = 4; return i+j; }
Now let me show you few examples of RuntimeBindingException
that can occur while working with a dynamic static type.
dynamic dynullvalue = null; dynamic objtype = dynullvalue.GetType ( );
The above code will work in compile time but will throw an exception in runtime as the 2nd statement is trying to access type of null reference. Dynamic objects can’t perform object binding on null reference.
dynamic objdynamic = "Dynamic Programming Sample"; int i = objdynamic;
The above code will throw an implicit conversion error in runtime (string can’t be converted to integer). Dynamic will also throw runtime exceptions for non existing property or method. The following code snippet will throw RuntimeBindingException
for the same reason.
dynamic objdynamic = "Dynamic Programming Sample"; int i = objdynamic.Intvalue; // Property doesn't exists int j = objdynamic.GetIntValue ( ); // Method doesn't exists
Now let me show you a working example dynamic keyword. For creating the sample C# programming console application I have used Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition with .NET framework 4.0. First I have created a currency conversion class with 1 method named ConvertCurrency()
. This ConvertCurrency()
method converts source currency to destination currency type using a conversion factor. The following is a code snippet of the CurrencyConvert
public class CurrencyConvertionService : ICurrencyConvertionService { public double ConvertCurrency ( string fromcurrency, string tocurrency, double amount ) { if ( fromcurrency.Length <=0 || tocurrency.Length <= 0 ) return 0; if ( amount <=0 ) return 0; switch ( fromcurrency ) { case "INR": if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "USD" ) return amount * 0.0214938; if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "EUR" ) return amount * 0.0175683; if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "GBP" ) return amount * 0.0145759; break; case "USD": if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "INR" ) return amount * 45.67; if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "EUR" ) return amount * 0.817748; if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "GBP" ) return amount * 0.678214; break; case "GBP": if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "INR" ) return amount * 68.5929; if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "EUR" ) return amount * 1.20610; if ( tocurrency.Trim ( ).ToString ( ) == "USD" ) return amount * 1.47431; break; default: return 0; } return 0; } }
Next I have written the main()
method to show how both static CurrencyConvert
class object and dynamic object works. For both the cases you will get an identical converted value if you are passing the same input parameters. Main() method code example is shown below:
class Program { static void Main ( string[] args ) { CurrencyConvert objConverter = GetConverter ( ); Console.WriteLine( objConverter.ConvertCurrency ( "USD", "INR", 50 )); Console.Read ( ); // Dynamic dynamic dyobjConverter = GetConverter ( ); Console.WriteLine ( dyobjConverter.ConvertCurrency ( "USD", "INR", 50 ) ); Console.ReadLine ( ); } public static CurrencyConvert GetConverter ( ) { CurrencyConvert objConverter = new CurrencyConvert ( ); return objConverter; } }
Dynamic and Overloading of Methods
In case of overloaded methods; runtime resolves which function needs to be called based on input parameter data type. To demonstrate the runtime resolution of dynamic objects I have created a calculator class with 2 overloaded versions of add method. Following is the code snippet from my calculator class.
class Calculator { public double Add ( int i, double j ) { return i+j; } public double Add ( int i, int j ) { return System.Convert.ToDouble( i+j ); }
Next I have written the following code section in the main() method
to call both the add methods dynamically.
static void Main ( string[] args ) { Calculator objcal = new Calculator ( ); dynamic myDynamic = GetIntValue ( ); dynamic myDynamic1 = GetDoubleValue ( ); Console.WriteLine( objcal.Add ( myDynamic, myDynamic1 )); Console.ReadLine ( ); dynamic myDynamic2 = GetIntValue ( ); dynamic myDynamic3 = GetIntValue ( ); Console.WriteLine ( objcal.Add ( myDynamic2, myDynamic3 ) ); Console.ReadLine ( ); } public static int GetIntValue ( ) { return 10; } public static double GetDoubleValue ( ) { return 10.25; }
The 1st Add method invocation by objcal.Add
( myDynamic
, myDynamic1
) statement calls up Add ( int i, double j ) overloaded method of calculator class as dynamic input parameter types are integer and double. Similarly the 2nd Add method invocation by objcal.Add ( myDynamic2, myDynamic3 ) statement calls up Add ( int i, int j ) an overloaded method of calculator class for the matching input parameters data type.
Using dynamics, developers can now make interop calls. You can also call COM object’s method using dynamic. Dynamic keyword can be used to replace complicated reflection code you have already written but there are also a few limitations. For example, you can’t call extension methods and anonymous functions.
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