Import Swagger Files into Azure API Management

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Many developers ask a common question: how do I automate the process of adding APIs to Azure API Management from Swagger definition files? In this article, I will show .Net developers how to import an OpenAPI Specification backend API in JSON format into Azure API Management. Once developers import the backend API into API Management, the API Management API becomes a façade for the backend API. Developers can even customize the façade per the needs of their API Management.

Before you dive in, you may want to read our related article, Implement Swagger in ASP.Net Web APIs.

How to Create an API in Visual Studio

In this section, we will create an API using Visual Studio and we will name that simple API Authentication Service, incorporating a Swagger definition to it as depicted in the image below:

Create an API in Visual Studio

Figure 1 – New API Created in Visual Studio

Now, execute that code and display it in the browser.

Creating an API Definition

After creating the API and deploying it, we are ready to create an OpenAPI definition. I have used the Swagger Inspector tool with the API endpoint, that allows developers to create a definition for an existing API by documenting the requests you send to the endpoint. Using this tool, developers can specify the type of request, body, and other attributes. Swagger Inspector logs the details and lets the developer select the methods you want to include in your definition.

Crate API Definitions in Swagger

Figure 2 – New API Definition using Swagger Inspector

Next, click “Create API Definition”; it will redirect you to SwaggerHub, as shown below:

Redirect API Definitions in Swagger

Figure 3 – Redirect to API definition SwaggerHub

Once the definition is created, view the details within SwaggerHub. This portal allows developers to review definitions, update descriptions and titles, and format and export definition files.

The image below shows my definition in SwaggerHub, alongside the method I defined.

SwaggerHub API Definitions

Figure 4 –SwaggerHub API Definition

There are two different routes to import an API into API Management. Developers can import via a URL or file. In the following example of SwaggerHub, I have chosen the Export option and downloaded the following file:

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: defaultTitle
  description: defaultDescription
  version: "0.1"
- url: http://localhost:49498
      description: Auto generated using Swagger Inspector
      - name: password
        in: query
        required: false
        style: form
        explode: true
          type: string
        example: user
      - name: username
        in: query
        required: false
        style: form
        explode: true
          type: string
        example: user
          description: Auto generated using Swagger Inspector
            application/json; charset=utf-8:
                type: string
              examples: {}
      - url: http://localhost:49498
    - url: http://localhost:49498
components: {}

Next, from the Azure portal, I created an APIM service, shown below for reference:

Azure APIM

Figure 5 – Azure APIM

Next, choose Add API and select the OpenAPI option as depicted below:

Add Azure APIM API

Figure 6 – Azure APIM Add API

APIM offers several options for importing APIs. I have selected the previously downloaded file as my definition file. The utility reads other details and populates the form automatically:

Crate OpenAPI Specification

Figure 7 – Create OpenAPI Specification

Once the API is successfully imported, you can view the settings and verify everything is correct:

Azure API Import example

Figure 8 – API successfully imported

Finally, with the API imported, we can do some tests to confirm everything is working properly. Within the APIM portal, I can quickly test API method exposed, as follows:

Import APIs into Azure

Conclusion of Importing Swagger Files into Azure API Management Tutorial

As demonstrated in this article, leveraging Azure API Management for administration, developers can quickly import their applications and manage their systems. I hope this article will be helpful for developers looking to start importing Swagger definition files in APIM. Happy coding!

Read: Mocking API Responses in Azure API Management Portal

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