Managed Extensions: Using GDI+ to Draw 3D Text

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Welcome to this week’s installment of .NET Tips & Techniques! Each week, award-winning Architect and Lead Programmer Tom Archer demonstrates how to perform a practical .NET programming task using either C# or Managed C++ Extensions.

In a previous article, “Managed Extensions: Using GDI+ Brushes to Draw Text,” I presented step-by-step instructions as well as a demo application that illustrated how to draw 2D text using GDI+ objects. This week, I take it a step further and show you how to render 3D text to accomplish the following effects:

  • Shadowed text
  • Blocked text
  • Embossed text
  • Engraved text

The shadowed, blocked, embossed, or engraved text effects are typically realized by drawing the text multiple times, starting with the text furthest in the background ( the shadow) and proceeding until the top-most, or foreground, text. In other words, drawing 3D text is basically just drawing 2D text multiple times. Therefore, I won’t describe each step of setting up the various GDI+ objects as I’ve already done that in the article, “Managed Extensions: Using GDI+ Brushes to Draw Text.” Instead, I’ll focus on the code necessary to accomplish each of the aforementioned 3D effects.

Note: To test these code snippets, first simply drag a PictureBox from the Toolbox onto a Form in a Managed Extensions Windows Forms application and name the PictureBox variable picText. Then, copy and paste the desired snippet into your application to have the text rendered onto the PictureBox.

Steps to Rendering Shadowed Text

To achieve a shadowed appearance, you simply draw the shadowed text twice: first at the desired depth and then the foreground text. For example, the following code draws sample text on a window (represented by the Graphics object, g) where the text has a shadow version of itself drawn five pixels in the background:

// Assumes a PictureBox on the form named picText with this code
// being the picText object'sPaint method

System::Void picText_Paint(
   System::Object *  sender,
   System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs *  e)
   // Test string
   String* textToDisplay = S"Test string";

   // Obtain Graphics object
   Graphics* g = e->Graphics;

   // Create a Font object, Times New Roman, 25pt
   System::Drawing::Font* font =
     new System::Drawing::Font("Times New Roman",

   // Obtain the size of the text to be rendered
   SizeF textSize = g->MeasureString(textToDisplay, font);

   // Text will be centered on PictureBox control
   Single x = (picText->Width  - textSize.Width)  / 2;
   Single y = (picText->Height - textSize.Height) / 2;

   // Clear background
   // Draw the shadow text
                 x + 5, y + 5);

   // Draw the foreground text
   g->DrawString(textToDisplay, font, SystemBrushes::ControlText,
                 x, y);

Steps to Rendering Blocked Text

To get the blocked-text effect, repeatedly draw the text starting at the desired depth and moving one pixel at a time up to the foreground text. Obviously, you have to decide in which direction this repeated drawing occurs. I personally draw blocked text with the light source from the upper right. This means using a for loop and subtracting the offset depth from the X dimension. To move the light source to the upper left, simply increment the offset:

// Assumes a PictureBox on the form named picText with this code
// being the picText object's Paint method

System::Void picText_Paint(
   System::Object *  sender,
   System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs *  e)
   // Test string
   String* textToDisplay = S"Test string";

   // Get drawing surface for PictureBox and clear background
   Graphics* g = e->Graphics;

   // Create a Font object
   System::Drawing::Font* font = new System::Drawing::
                          Font("Times New Roman",

   // Obtain the size of the text to be rendered
   SizeF textSize = g->MeasureString(textToDisplay, font);

   // Text will be centered on Picture Box control
   Single x = (picText->Width  - textSize.Width)  / 2;
   Single y = (picText->Height - textSize.Height) / 2;

   // Clear background
   // Print the background text multiple times starting  at the
   // furthest point in the background up to the foreground text
   for (int i = Convert::ToInt32(5); i >= 0; i--)
                    x - i, y + i);

   // Draw the foreground text
   g->DrawString(textToDisplay, font, SystemBrushes::ControlText,
                 x, y);

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