An enhanced DIBLOOK sample

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This article describes a sample with the same funcionality as the known DIBLOOK MFC sample, but enhanced in some ways. The main (new) features of this new sample are:

  • The sample is now completely object oriented, there are no global functions
  • The standard file open dialog has been changed to a new (derived from standard) file dialog with preview
  • The palette treatment has been improved so the palette is not realized twice for the active image (the first in foregroud the second in background)

The sample also demonstrates some programming techniques:

  • Changing the standard file open in doc/view MFC architecture
  • Modifiyng standard dialogs without using new hook functions (or what’s the same: using the MFC hook functions)
  • Correct palette treatment
  • Subclassing controls

Several new classes were added to the original DIBLOOK sample:

  • The dib api provided as a set of global functions was encapsulated in a CDib class (described in an article in the bitmaps & palettes section)
  • A static control descendant that displays an image (described in an article in the static control section)
  • A descendant from CFileDialog to implement the file open dialog with preview (described in an article in the dialogs section)
  • A descendant from CDocManager needed to change the default MFC file open dialog (described in an article in the doc-view section)

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Last updated: 25 June 1998

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