Easy Way to Set the LOGFONT Structure

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Environment: Windows 95/98/NT, VC4.2+

To set the new font for a window or control a CFont object is often used. In order to use this object a LOGFONT structure must be passed to it to create the font object in memory. Filling the members of the LOGFONT structure can be time consuming and prone to errors so I created a short project which allows a programmer to select a desired font, which creates a string containing values for all the members of the LOGFONT structure. Next, the programmer uses the following functions to create a new CFont object.

static const TCHAR* pszL = NULL;
CString _S(int i)
CString sTemp; AfxExtractSubString(sTemp, pszL, i, TCHAR(‘,’));
return sTemp;

#ifdef _UNICODE
#define _L(i) _wtol(_S(i))
#define _L(i) atol(_S(i))

#define _B(i) (BYTE)_L(i)
#define StartConversion(s) pszL = s
void FillLogFont(LOGFONT& logFont, LPCTSTR lpszFontString )
logFont.lfHeight = _L(0);
logFont.lfWidth = _L(1);
logFont.lfEscapement = _L(2);
logFont.lfOrientation = _L(3);
logFont.lfWeight = _L(4);
logFont.lfItalic = _B(5);
logFont.lfUnderline = _B(6);
logFont.lfStrikeOut = _B(7);
logFont.lfCharSet = _B(8);
logFont.lfOutPrecision = _B(9);
logFont.lfClipPrecision = _B(10);
logFont.lfQuality = _B(11);
logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = _B(12);
memcpy(logFont.lfFaceName, _S(13), LF_FACESIZE);

How to generate the font string:

Run the GetF executable, select a font, and then copy the string created at the bottom of the dialog into the clipboard. Paste this string into your code as the second parameter of the FillLogFont(…) function.

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