This article was contributed by Seain B. Conover.
Environment: VC6 SP2, NT4 SP5
Alright folks, this post is the result of probably a hundred email requests
over the past few months, in response to my original inquiry about how to retrieve
modem information. Now I’m sure ‘ol BG and the boys would probably take a different
approach, but this one works for me.
It’s very simply really. Run the included sample exe (included in the ZIP
archive) to see what I mean.
// number of modems in machine const int GetModemCount() const; // reset string const CString GetModemResetString( const CString strName ) const; // init string, with optional desired volume level specified // error control on, compression on, hardward flow control, modulation CCITT, blind off, call setup fail timer, inactivity timer + if requested, includes volume init const CString GetModemInitString( const CString strName, const int nSpeakerVolume = -1 ) const; // com port const int GetModemComPort( const CString strName ) const; // maximum bps as per control panel const int GetModemBps( const CString strName ) const; // fills CComboBoxBox with list of modem names void FillComboBoxWithModemNames( CComboBox* pComboBox ); // fills CListBox control with list of modem names void FillListBoxWithModemNames( CListBox* pListBox ); // first listed non-virtual modem name in registry const CString GetFirstModemName() const; // modem name based on index const CString GetModemName( const int nIndex ) const; // does modem have speaker const BOOL GetModemHasSpeaker( const CString strName ) const; // how many volume levels? const int GetModemVolumeLevelsCount( const CString strName ) const; // is strName a valid modem? const BOOL GetIsModem( const CString strName ) const;
Example Usage:
CModemInfo ModemInfo; const CString strModemName = ModemInfo.GetFirstModemName(); const CString strInit = ModemInfo.GetModemInit( strModemName ); const int nComPort = ModemInfo.GetModemComPort( strModemName );
A more realistic usage of this class however, would be to use the member
functions ::FillComboBoxWithModemNames() or ::FillListBoxWithModemNames() —
then once the user exits your modem setup window, you can retrieve the
Initialization String, Com Port, and Maximum BPS using, based on the modem
name they have selected.
Download demo project (includes source) – 132 Kb