Saving a Web Page Into A Single File

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Do you ever want to save a web page into one single file, including pictures and text?
You can use IE SaveAs command, but the drawback is obvious, the Save As dialog is always
shown up for security reason. There is a complicated work around to avoid the Save As dialog (see
Automated IE SaveAs MHTML). Here
I show you an easy way to do it:

#import "c:program filescommon filessystemadomsado15.dll" _
        no_namespace rename("EOF", "EndOfFile")
#import  no_namespace rename("EOF", "EndOfFile")


void SaveWholePage(LPCTSTR page_url,LPCTSTR save_filename)
      IMessagePtr       iMsg(__uuidof(Message));
      IConfigurationPtr iConf(__uuidof(Configuration));
      iMsg->Configuration = iConf;
      catch(_com_error err)
         // handle exception
      _StreamPtr pStream=iMsg->GetStream();
      pStream->SaveToFile( save_filename,

Sample Usage:


Sample program is not provided, since you can create it on your own and copy & paste
the above code snippet into your project.

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