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This is a combination of 3 projects built with Microsoft Visual C++ Ver
5.0. It was developed and run soley on Win NT 4.0 on a Corporate LAN. It
has not been tested on other OS’s, or over a modem. The goal of these
projects is two provide a knowledge base on Sockets programming. Project 1,, is a Server program which sends it’s desktop window in
real time to a client program over the internet. Project 2,, a Client program which displays the desktop of a machine
running the server program. Communication over the internet was done by
programming sockets version 2.2.

This project also tries to provide another goal. Visual C++ w/o MFC.
This project shows how one can write a Visual C++ program using the Win 32
SDK and Message Crackers.

The third project ( builds a library
with which the Server and Client
programs use to link. The library is public domain and contains functions
to compress data.

Each zip file is a full project for Microsoft Visual C++ ver 5.0 and
should be viewed accordingly.

Portions of the code have been written by third parties, through
submission to codeguru and other web sites. Credit has been given where it
is due in these cases.

Because of the nature of the project, I have taken my IP address out of
the code, and am leaving up to the individual to add there IP address for
there personal use. The file to do this is called ‘Client.c’. It is part
of the client window project. There is a #define statement at the top of
the code which holds the IP address of the server machine to connect to.


Download Common source – 123 Kb
Download Client source – 87 Kb
Download Server source – 101 Kb

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