CodeGuru Update eNewsletter: June 28th, 2005

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CodeGuru Newsletter
June 28, 2005

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–> Editorial –
        – Traveling and JavaOne

–> New Articles on CodeGuru: 
       ==> BizTalk
              – BizTalk 2004 Business Rules Explained
       ==> Interfaces
              – Using Interfaces in C++
       ==> Reporting
              – Working with ASP.Net and Crystal Reports 9 with and Without RAS 9 Server
       ==> System
              – Three Powerful Yet Untapped Features of NTFS
       ==> VB 
              – [Updated] Migrating Visual Basic 6.0 Applications to .NET
       ==> VB .NET
       – What Anonymous Methods Might Look Like in VB.NET

–> Discussion Groups (including Hot threads)
       – Embedding a C++ DLL into a C# Project 
       – Extending an STL container class Question
       – Clipboard copy/paste detection

–> Highlighted new articles on 
       1. Anatomy of a Software Development Role: Quality Assurance
       2. How Palm OS Expands Your Applications: Expansion Manager
       3. Binding to MySQL in Java Studio Creator

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Comments from the Editor

It is great to be back in the office again and focused on CodeGuru. My trip to Microsoft proved to be valuable for gaining insights into where the products such as Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005, and BizTalk are all heading.

Additionally, it was great to meet with a number of product managers and others on there at Microsoft. Over the coming weeks, I hope to be able to share some of what I learned in articles on the site and in my editorials here in the newsletter.

Java recently turned 10 years old. We don’t do a lot of Java on CodeGuru anymore. In fact, we recently bought jGuru as a companion for CodeGuru. jGuru will be the site I work to evolve into covering Java in the same manner we cover C++, C#, VB, and .NET here at CodeGuru. You can check out jGuru at

I mention Java because the JavaOne conference is happening this week in San Francisco. If you want to know what is happening in the “java world”, then this is the conference to attend.

Among this week’s themes at JavaOne have been “openness and collaboration” for the Java platform. The discussions are on the interoperability of systems on a network. Such goals are now a part of the future of Java. In the future it should continue to get easier to interact between a Java system and a non-Java system. It looks like the answer to the question of “can’t we all just get along” might just be “yes!”

Until next week

Brad Jones, Microsoft MVP

… Recently Published Books

For those of you keeping up by reading books. The following are just a few of the new books that have been recently released. If you’ve read any of these, feel free to write a review to be posted on CodeGuru. See the submission guidelines at:

–> Programming “Indigo” 
      By David Pallmann for Microsoft Press
      600 pages for $49.99
      Indigo is the code name for the unified framework that Microsoft is creating for building Service-Oriented Applications (SOA).  Indigo is to unify development currently done with services, remoting, and more.

–> Cascading Style Sheets Designing for the Web, 3E
      By Hakon Wium Lie and Bert Bos for Addison-Wesley
      400 pages for $44.99

New & Updated Articles on CodeGuru

Following are short descriptions of new articles on CodeGuru. If you are interested in submitting your own article for inclusion on the site, then you will find guidelines located at,1pvx,1,fka1,909i,jorm,i5r0

This week’s posted CodeGuru articles:

==> BizTalk

– BizTalk 2004 Business Rules Explained
   By Jeffrey Juday
Give power users more control over areas of your BizTalk Orchestration. With Business Rules, you can wrap your .NET classes and XML document elements in easy-to-understand language.,1pvx,1,k8z3,4t3m,jorm,i5r0

==> Interfaces

– Using Interfaces in C++
   By Jose Lamas Rios
Learn about an easy way to define and use the interface pattern in C++.,1pvx,1,he6f,ko8v,jorm,i5r0

==> Reporting

– Working with ASP.Net and Crystal Reports 9 with and Without RAS 9 Server
   By Muhammad Musa Ali
You know the problems that you face when working with Crystal Reports due to its poor and confusing documentation. See ready-to-go code to access reports developed in Crystal Reports 9 (with or without RAS 9) using ASP.NET.,1pvx,1,l1zy,h74p,jorm,i5r0

==> System

– Three Powerful Yet Untapped Features of NTFS
   By Pinky98
The NTFS windows file system has introduced several features that improve the performance, stability, and reliability of file storage. Of these, three features lend themselves to advanced methods of information storage and collation. Few applications have, however, made extensive use of these features. This article introduces these features and identifies some of the potential uses each one exhibits.,1pvx,1,bo5z,64si,jorm,i5r0

==> VB

– [Updated] Migrating Visual Basic 6.0 Applications to .NET
   By Yogi Abhyankar
Microsoft is officially withdrawing support for Visual Basic 6.0 starting January 2006. Strategies and plans need to be outlined for migrating these applications to either VB.NET or C#.,1pvx,1,b0xd,aapz,jorm,i5r0

==> VB .NET

– What Anonymous Methods Might Look Like in VB.NET
   By Paul Kimmel
Anonymous methods haven’t shown up in the current beta version of VB.NET 2.0. Paul Kimmel predicts that they will in upcoming releases and shows what they might look like.,1pvx,1,mek9,6nbc,jorm,i5r0

Discussion Groups

Check out the CodeGuru discussion forums at:,1pvx,1,bcr8,cx5j,jorm,i5r0

Forums include Visual C++, General C++, Visual Basic, Java, General Technology, C#, ASP.NET, XML, Help Wanted, and much, much, more!


Some of the current threads with the most activity are:

==> Embedding a C++ DLL into a C# Project,1pvx,1,c00x,97e,jorm,i5r0

==> Extending an STL container class Question,1pvx,1,cnor,jvsr,jorm,i5r0

==> Clipboard copy/paste detection,1pvx,1,j1xq,b6a3,jorm,i5r0

New Articles on

Below are some of the new articles that have been posted to (

1. Anatomy of a Software Development Role: Quality Assurance
   By Robert Bogue –
Quality Assurance isn’t boring. It’s not just the one-by-one execution of test scripts. Quality Assurance is responsible for ensuring the quality in the project. Quality Assurance is a great way to become a part of the software development process. Take a look at what the role is and how it’s essential to the software development process.,1pvx,1,7hkb,cnlf,jorm,i5r0

2. How Palm OS Expands Your Applications: Expansion Manager
   By Alex Gusev –
Discover how the Palm OS Expansion Manager, along with Virtual File System Manager, empowers your application with relatively full control on data stored on various cards and peripheral devices.,1pvx,1,iphi,hk2u,jorm,i5r0

3. Binding to MySQL in Java Studio Creator
   By Dick Wall –
Discover how to use MySQL within Creator. Walk through the installation, adding an example database, setting up a MySQL data source, and creating a demo creator application.,1pvx,1,71xu,fuyh,jorm,i5r0

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