This Week’s Topics
- Comments from the Editor
- Recently Published Books
- New & Updated Articles on CodeGuru
- Implement a Command Pattern Using C#
- Records Management for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server
- Automating Software Testing with Microsoft Hyper-V
- Recursion Primer Using C++, Part 2
- There is More Than Just a Little Touching…
- Implement a Command Pattern Using C#
- Hottest Discussions
- New Articles on
- Amazon Web Services and the Zend Framework
- Building the Perfect Portable Eclipse Workbench
- Creating a First-Person Shooter Game
- Amazon Web Services and the Zend Framework
Comments from the Editor
This week begins the holiday season in the United States. Thanksgiving There seems to be a lot of bad news happening around the world. This It seems like a good time for everyone to take a few moments to be Even if you aren’t in the United States where the Thanksgiving holiday Until next week… Brad! For those of you keeping up by reading Developing Windows Seamless Following are short descriptions of new Implement Records Automating Recursion There Check … HOT THREADS … Amazon Building Creating
is on Thursday, so most businesses will be closed on Thursday and Friday.
The staff at CodeGuru also will be getting the two days off to enjoy
family and friends.
ranges from layoffs at Google (Google “laying off” 10,000) to predictions of a crashing
Internet (Internet performance will dip by 2012) to economic declines
(Summer Slowdown Worse Than First Thought). With
Thanksgiving this week, it is sad to see that even food is making the news
for the trouble it can cause. This ranges from deadly salads to bad curry.
thankful for some of the positive things. At CodeGuru, we are thankful for
you taking the time to read our newsletter and to visit the site. We are
also thankful to everyone who contributes in the forums and those who
submit articles to share with others. We are thankful for our moderators
who keep the forums running smoothly and for the article reviewers who
help make sure that the articles will help and not hurt. Most importantly,
we are thankful to have you as a part of our community.
will be happening, this is a good week to take some time to reflect on
some of the positive things going on around us.
Bradley L. Jones
Recently Published Books
books. The following are just a few of the new books that have been
recently released. If you’ve read any of these, feel free to write a
review to be posted on CodeGuru. See the submission
Service-Oriented AJAX Applications on the Microsoft
By Daniel
Larson for Microsoft Press
350 pages for $39.99
Server 2008 Server Core
Administrator’s Pocket Consultant
By Mitch Tulloch for Microsoft
450 pages for $29.99
By Michael
Sampson for Microsoft Press
300 pages for $24.99
Microsoft SharePoint Technologies to collaborate, innovate, and drive
business in New Ways”
New & Updated Articles on CodeGuru
articles on CodeGuru. If you are interested in submitting your own article
for inclusion on the site, then you will find guidelines here.
a Command Pattern Using C#
By cfyao
Learn how to implement a Command design pattern using
C# with menus and toolstrip buttons as userinterface objects.
Management for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server
By Gustavo Velez
The Records Center is
an important MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) component for
companies that need to save critical or legally sensitive information.
Discover how to create a Records Center then secure its contents with the
MOSS Object Model and one of its default WebServices.
Software Testing with Microsoft Hyper-V
By Jani Järvinen
Testing software
applications can be hard. You might already be using virtual machines to
test your applications, but chances are you are still doing this manually.
Learn how to automate your testing procedures with Microsoft’s new Hyper-V
virtualization technologies.
Primer Using C++, Part 2
By Zeeshan
Further your understanding of recursion.
is More Than Just a Little Touching…
By Bradley Jones
The way you interact
with a personal computing device is changing and is about to change even
more with lots of touching and even a little hidden video.
Discussion Groups
out the CodeGuru discussion forums
Forums include Visual C++, General C++,
Visual Basic, Java, General Technology, C#, ASP.NET, XML, Help Wanted, and
much, much, more!
and Dual Core Processors (C++)
data from Outlook to Access (VB 6)
New Articles on
Web Services and the Zend Framework
By Jason Gilmore
Build powerful
product-driven websites by using the Zend Framework to plug in to the vast database.
the Perfect Portable Eclipse Workbench
By Scott Nelson
Increase your
productivity when developing in Eclipse with plug-ins that reduce the
number of applications open on your desktop and make those infrequent
tasks easier with wizards.
a First-Person Shooter Game
By Richard G. Baldwin
Learn about
first-person computer games in general, and learn how to use the game-math
library to write a first-person game in a 3D world in Java.