CodeGuru Newsletter
February 14, 2006
This newsletter is part of the Developer.com, EarthWeb, and internet.com networks.
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–> Editorial –
–> Recently Published Books
–> New Articles on CodeGuru:
==> Assemblies
– Satellite Assemblies
==> Controls
– [Updated] Matrix-Like Credits for MFC Applications
==> Controls
– [Updated] MFC Extension Classes CListCtrlEx
and CListViewEx
==> GDI
– [Updated] Capturing Windows Regardless of Their Z-Order
==> Sample Chapter
– Storing Information with Variables in C#
==> System
– Accessing Directory Services in .NET Framework
==> Text
– Mould Text in Any Shape
==> Unicode
– Internationalize and Localize Your C/C++ Code
with ICU
–> Discussion Groups — HOT Threads
– Write a program that can compile in C but not in C++
– Adding Admin functions (VB)
– CRichEditCtrl, saving and reading
–> Highlighted new articles on Developer.com
1. How Software Development is Like Fast Food Restaurants
2. DB2 Universal Database and the PHP Developer? Absolutely!
3. Managing the Software Input Panel in Your Applications
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Comments from the Editor
There is always a lot of news and information being bantered
about on the Web. Most of the time this news will not impact
us. Other times, small stories sneak by could have huge
ramifications on how we do things in the future.
One topic that squeaked through the news about a week ago was just such a story. The idea of postage for email is not a new concept;
however, the ability to implement it has been a bit elusive. It
seems, however, that a way to charge postage is being devised by
America Online and Yahoo. Granted, you and I are not necessarily
going to have to pay this postage, but the impact of it is still
destined to intertwine with our use of email.
They are looking at charging a fee (call it postage) for helping to
ensure that emails sent to their members get delivered. Currently on
these sites, just like on hotmail, gmail, and other public mail
services, there is a bulk mail or spam folder. Mail that is not
identifiable to someone you know can be put into these bulk folders
instead of being placed in the inbox. To get around this automated
filtering you generally have to add a potential sender’s address to
your contacts list or flag them as being legitimate after they send
you mail. The effect of this process is that emails you receive to
these accounts have a chance to go to the bulk folder and never be seen.
I see the impact of these filters with newsletters and automatically
generated messages from our forums and articles. Although subscribers
and members like you request these emails, there is a chance the
messages will land in your bulk mail folder.
It has been reported, that what Yahoo and American Online have
proposed, is that at preferential treatment will be given to
those that pay them a small fee. In essence, if a company pays
them a small fee, then they may avoid the bulk mail filters on
their emails. The fees for this are estimated to be small at
anywhere from a quarter of a cent to a penny per email.
While this may seem like a good solution to help make sure
mail is delivered, will it work?
One response is that charging the postage will cut down on the
amount of junk mail you get. They also say that phishing attacks
should also be reduced.
But is this true? What companies are most likely to benefit by
making such payments?
It seems that the ‘stamp’ controls that will be put in place for
this postage are destined to be hacked, duplicated, and forged.
Alternatively, it seems that the first people in line to pay the
postage are likely to be those hurting the most from the filters
to begin with the people who resemble spammers. While the
price may be more than a spammer would be willing to send, it
probably isn’t too high for the real mortgage broker or bank.
Worse, now along with all the credit card offers you get in your
snail-mail box, you’ll also get likely to get those same offers
online only they won’t be spam because the senders will
have paid the postage. Need a new mortgage? What better way for
the real lenders to get to you than to avoid being filtered like
the thousands of spam mortgage offers! Additionally, it will cost
less than the bulk mail sent to your snail-mail box.
As a developer, I sign up for a number of newsletters to go
along with my RSS feeds and regular Web surfing. I also use
email to interact with a large number of people. I’m all for
cutting down on the amount of spam that reaches my in box, while
still allowing the items I’ve asked for to arrive.
I believe as developers, we should all strive to help find a
solution to the issues of overburdened mailboxes. American Online
and Yahoo are looking to try something, but I don’t believe it
will solve the problems. Rather, we may simply end up with a new
class of “Priority spam”.
Until next week…
Bradley L. Jones
Recently Published Books
For those of you keeping up by reading books. The following
are just a few of the new books that have been recently released.
If you’ve read any of these, feel free to write a review to be
posted on CodeGuru. See the submission guidelines at:
–> Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 2005: The Language
By Francesco Balena for Microsoft Press
680 pages for 59.99
New & Updated Articles on CodeGuru
Following are short descriptions of new articles on CodeGuru
If you are interested in submitting your own article for
inclusion on the site, then you will find guidelines located
This week’s posted CodeGuru articles:
==> Assemblies
– Satellite Assemblies
By Jayant Kulkarni
Discover what satellite assemblies are, how to create
them, and how to use satellite assemblies with strong
named assemblies with very simple and small pieces of
code chunks.
==> Controls
– [Updated] Matrix-Like Credits for MFC Applications
By John Lindal
This simple class displays Matrix-like credits in MFC
==> Controls
– [Updated] MFC Extension Classes CListCtrlEx and CListViewEx
By Thomas Holte
Augmented versions of CListCtrl and CListView with
sort direction indicators, coloring of the sort
column, column hiding, and more.
==> GDI
– [Updated] Capturing Windows Regardless of Their Z-Order
By Shahar Golan
Capture a top window content to a BMP file,
regardless of the z-order of the window.
==> Sample Chapter
– Storing Information with Variables in C#
By Bradley Jones
Learn about the ways in which you can utilize C# to
store your information.
==> System
– Accessing Directory Services in .NET Framework 2.0
By Mark Strawmyer
The Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 has made several
improvements to the System.DirectoryServices
namespace. They expand your ability to interact with
your enterprise Active Directory.
==> Text
– Mould Text in Any Shape
By Sjaak Priester
Sometimes, putting text in a rectangular block may
just be a little too straight. With the C++ class
QEnvelopeText, you can mould a piece of body type
in any shape.
==> Unicode
– Internationalize and Localize Your C/C++ Code with ICU
By Victor Volkman
The International Component for Unicode (ICU) library
can save you from being hopelessly mired in numerous
character encodings as your C/C++ application matures
into internationalization and localization.
Discussion Groups
Check out the CodeGuru discussion forums at:
Forums include Visual C++, General C++, Visual Basic, Java,
General Technology, C#, ASP.NET, XML, Help Wanted, and
much, much, more!
Some of the current threads with the most activity are:
==> Write a program that can compile in C but not in C++
==> Adding Admin functions (VB)
==> CRichEditCtrl, saving and reading
New Articles on Developer.com
Below are some of the new articles that have been posted to
Developer.com (http://www.developer.com).
1. How Software Development is Like Fast Food Restaurants
By Robert Bogue
It isn’t the beef patties or the special sauces that make fast
food restaurants similar to software development. The similarities
between the two, however, are there….
2. DB2 Universal Database and the PHP Developer? Absolutely!
By Paul C. Zikopoulos
Explore the features that make programming PHP-based DB2 UDB
applications as seamless as possible and ultimately shorten the
development cycle for these types of applications.
3. Managing the Software Input Panel in Your Applications
By Alex Gusev
Software Input Panel (SIP) is common component in different
versions of Windows CE. In many cases you will need to manipulate
SIP to make your application more convenient for the end user.
Become a SIP Wizard, learn how you can manage SIP to empower
your software!