Unlike the iPhone’s convoluted, and mostly ambiguous application approval process and other platforms that may have lacked or no specifics for their respective app store, Microsoft will provide a middle ground, emphasizing that the firm will set guidelines and will make the process as transparent as possible. Microsoft has benefit of time and experience–it saw the troubles of fledgling app stores, it witnessed the debacle with the iPhone App Store approval process, and it has learned a great deal about Marketplace for Mobile for Windows Mobile 6.x devices
Microsoft has vowed transparency throughout the certification process, signaling a significant break from rival Apple’s App Store, which has consistently vexed developers with its often inscrutable application certification processes. Windows Marketplace for Mobile guarantees developers detailed feedback during and after the approval cycle, and Microsoft adds it will run a rigorous certification and testing process before WinMo apps go to market. Microsoft said further details will follow once Windows Marketplace for Mobile registration opens in the spring./p>
Developers who sell applications through Windows Marketplace for Mobile will receive 70 percent of the revenue from the sales of each application. In addition, they will be able to set the price for their applications in each market, maximizing their revenues based on targeted pricing strategies. Developers can also choose to distribute their applications at no cost. Up to five application submissions to Windows Marketplace for Mobile is included in the introductory annual registration fee of $99 (U.S.). Each additional submission within the annual period will cost $99 (U.S.). The registration fee is waived for student developers who want to reach Windows® phones customers, through enrollment in the Microsoft DreamSpark program.
With more than 20,000 applications already in market, Windows Mobile is among the most popular platforms for developers. Windows Mobile 6.5, the next generation of the Windows Mobile operating system, will allow developers to build innovative mobile applications without having to learn new skills or programming languages, by leveraging familiar desktop and server development tools such as Win32, Active Template Library and Microsoft Foundation Classes (Visual C++), Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET, ASP.NET and asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX).