String Function – CountWords

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This short routine shows how to code a routine to return the number of words in a string (including strings containing CR/LF codes).

'Description :
'"Countwords" function can be used to determine number of
'words in a multiline string. The function breaks the source string
'into lines and passes each line to the function "countwordsinline"
'to get number of words in each line.
public Function countwordsinline(byval sourceline as string) _
       as Long
    Dim nextspaceindex as Long
    sourceline = sourceline & " "
'Every word has space at its end
    nextspaceindex = InStr(sourceline, " ")
    While nextspaceindex <> 0
        If nextspaceindex <> 1 then countwordsinline = _
           countwordsinline + 1
        sourceline = mid$(sourceline, nextspaceindex + 1)
        nextspaceindex = InStr(sourceline, " ")
End Function
public Function countwords(byval source as string) as Long
    Dim endindex as Long
    source = source & Chr$(13)
    endindex = InStr(source, Chr$(13))
    While (endindex <> 0)
        countwords = countwords + countwordsinline(mid$(source, _
                                                   1, endindex - 1))
        source = mid$(source, endindex + 2)
'VB vbCrLf contains 2 Characters
        endindex = InStr(source, Chr$(13))
End Function

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