I prefer to browse my code manually rather than using MSVC’s Wizard Bar. These
simple macros move the cursor up and down one function at a time in a cpp file. This is
accomplished by searching for a newline character followed by an open brace (‘{‘).
Simple as they may be, they help me get the cursor where I want it quickly
and easily. I map these functions to Ctrl-Page Up and Ctrl-Page Down.
Note: They do not work with functions that have the open brace on the
function definition line.
Sub GotoFunctionHeaderUp()
‘DESCRIPTION: Moves cursor to the previous function definition.
ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText “^{“, dsMatchBackward + dsMatchRegExp
End SubSub GotoFunctionHeaderDown()
‘DESCRIPTION: Moves cursor to the previous function definition.
ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown dsMove, 2
ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText “^{“, dsMatchRegExp
End Sub
Josi Manuel Muilledes suggests using DevStudio
commands WBGotoNext and WBGotoPrevious from WizardBar category.
Updated on: October 15, 1998.