Word selection

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This is a simple macro that emulates a mouse double-click. It selects the word under the
caret – very useful for keyboard jockeys like Brian.

Sub WordSelect()
‘DESCRIPTION: Selects a word like a double click with mouse
‘Very handy for keyboard users. Not the prettiest
‘or quickest (I heard BASIC was slow! :] )
‘macro but it works better than the built in word right after Alt-M or
‘C in BRIEF, etc and more accurate, also helps RSI sufferers like me.

‘Valid characters are all upper case and lower case letters
‘and the underscore “_” character, to change this behav add toLegalChars.

‘Rev 1 – Got it working without checking for individual chars
‘ instead used the numerical comparisons

‘Rev 2 – Added numbers to be valid during string search
‘ Now supports all valid C/C++ chars duh!

‘Rev 3 – (7/12/98) Added check for first column, also tidy’d
‘ up code for checking for valid letters from ranges
‘ to using InStr w/ valid chars (Thanks David Cotton)
‘ BTW I never claimed to be a VB guy! 🙂

‘This insignificant macro was written by B.Sturk on Aug 31 1997
‘If you find an easier way to accomplish what this macro
‘does or a quicker way, or a bug, please let me know!

’email: bsturk@nh.ultranet.com

iCount =0

LegalChars = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_”

ExecuteCommand “SelectChar” ‘start char selection (not in loop)

ActiveDocument.Selection.CharLeft dsExtend
cSelect = ActiveDocument.Selection

do while InStr(LegalChars, cSelect) <> 0

iCurrentCol = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn

If iCurrentCol = 1 Then
iCount = iCount + 1
Exit Do
End if

iCount = iCount + 1

ExecuteCommand “SelectChar”
ExecuteCommand “SelectChar”

ActiveDocument.Selection.CharLeft dsExtend ‘move to next char

cSelect = ActiveDocument.Selection

‘ Now that we’re done moving left and checking we need to go to the beginning
‘ of the word to move right and check for legal chars. If we’re in column 1 we’re at the
‘ beginning

If iCurrentCol <> 1 Then
ActiveDocument.Selection.CharRight 1 ‘move to beginning of word
End if

‘no need to check stuff twice, move to starting point and go check right side
if iCount <> 0 Then ‘ in case we start at beginning of word
ActiveDocument.Selection.CharRight dsMove, iCount
End if

‘check to the right of the cursor placement
ExecuteCommand “SelectChar”
ExecuteCommand “SelectChar”

ActiveDocument.Selection.CharRight dsExtend
cSelect = ActiveDocument.Selection

do while InStr(LegalChars, cSelect) <> 0

iCount = iCount + 1

ExecuteCommand “SelectChar”
ExecuteCommand “SelectChar”

ActiveDocument.Selection.CharRight dsExtend
cSelect = ActiveDocument.Selection

‘stop char select mode, move left one, and select entire word
ExecuteCommand “SelectChar”

ActiveDocument.Selection.CharLeft dsMove, 1 ‘ We’ve overstepped by one move back

ExecuteCommand “SelectChar”

ActiveDocument.Selection.CharLeft dsExtend, iCount

End Sub

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