Minimum size splitter

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For my latest project we needed splitter panes that had proper
minimum sizes, in that the user couldn’t physically resize the
splitter pane smaller than a specified amount. The standard MFC
splitter class allows you to set minimum sizes, but these only
affect what is displayed, not how small the panes can be.
CMinSplitterWnd is a drop-in replacement for (and is derived
from) CSplitterWnd.


  1. Add MinSplitterWnd.cpp and MinSplitterWnd.h
    to your current project (e.g. Menu Project->Add to
    project->Add files).
  2. Where you currently use CSplitterWnd, replace
    with CMinSplitterWnd (Note: remember to include MinSplitterWnd.h):
  3. #include "MinSplitterWnd.h" // Minimum size splitter.
    class CMyWnd : public CMDIChildWnd
        CMinSplitterWnd m_wndSplitter;
  4. Call SetRowInfo and SetColumnInfo as
    necessary, specifying the required minimum row and column
    sizes: (this is normally done in the parent window’s OnCreateClient function)
  5. ....
    m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic( this, 2, 2 );      // Create with 2 rows and 2 columns.
    m_wndSplitter.SetRowInfo( 0, 100, 100 );       // Set ideal and minimum size to 100.
    m_wndSplitter.SetRowInfo( 1, 100, 100 );       // Set ideal and minimum size to 100.
    m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo( 0, 100, 100 );    // Set ideal and minimum size to 100.
    m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo( 1, 100, 100 );    // Set ideal and minimum size to 100.
  6. In the splitter’s parent window, add a message handler
    for OnWindowPosChanging (this prevents the user
    from sizing the window too small) and add the following
    code to it:
  7. void CMyWnd::OnWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos)
    	//	Don't do anything if minimized.
    	if ( IsIconic() )
    		CMDIChildWnd::OnWindowPosChanging( lpwndpos );
    	} // if
    	//	Calculate the window rect if we have no client area.
    	CRect rc( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    	CalcWindowRect( rc );
    	//	Add on the minimum client width and height from the splitter.
    	int nMinWidth	= rc.Width() + m_wndSplitter.GetMinClientWidth();
    	int nMinHeight	= rc.Height() + m_wndSplitter.GetMinClientHeight();
    	//	Get the current window size.
    	CRect rcWindow;
    	GetWindowRect( rcWindow );
    	GetParent()->ScreenToClient( rcWindow );
    	//	If trying to size too small...
    	if ( lpwndpos->cx < nMinWidth )
    		//	If dragging left border right...
    		if ( rcWindow.left < lpwndpos->x )
    			//	How much over are we?
    			int nOver = nMinWidth - lpwndpos->cx;
    			//	Adjust left coord.
    			lpwndpos->x -= nOver;
    		} // if
    		//	Fix width.
    		lpwndpos->cx = nMinWidth;
    	} // if
    	//	If trying to size too small...
    	if ( lpwndpos->cy < nMinHeight )
    		//	If dragging top border down...
    		if ( < lpwndpos->y )
    			//	How much over are we?
    			int nOver = nMinHeight - lpwndpos->cy;
    			//	Adjust left coord.
    			lpwndpos->y -= nOver;
    		} // if
    		//	Fix height.
    		lpwndpos->cy = nMinHeight;
    	} // if
  8. That’s it!


If the minimum sizes exceed the initial frame window size, the window will
snap when the window is first resized.

Download demo project and executable – 36 KB

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