MFC static splitter windows have a significant limitation. Their panes can’t be hidden or shown dynamically. To solve the problem I overrode the CSplitterWnd. The new class can hide a splitter window column. Sure, it’s only one approach to the problem, but it’s a good example anyway.
// splitex.h
// (c) 1997, Oleg G. Galkinclass CSplitterWndEx : public CSplitterWnd
int m_nHidedCol; // hide column number, -1 if all columns
// are shownpublic:
CSplitterWndEx();void ShowColumn();
void HideColumn(int colHide);// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
//}}AFX_VIRTUAL// Generated message map functions
// NOTE – the ClassWizard will add and remove member
// functions here.
// splitex.cpp
// (c) 1997, Oleg G. Galkin#include “stdafx.h”
#include “splitex.h”#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// CSplitterWndExCSplitterWndEx::CSplitterWndEx() :
}void CSplitterWndEx::ShowColumn()
ASSERT(m_nCols < m_nMaxCols);
ASSERT(m_nHidedCol != -1);int colNew = m_nHidedCol;
m_nHidedCol = -1;
int cxNew = m_pColInfo[m_nCols].nCurSize;
m_nCols++; // add a column
ASSERT(m_nCols == m_nMaxCols);// fill the hidden column
int col;
for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
CWnd* pPaneShow = GetDlgItem(
AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST + row * 16 + m_nCols);
ASSERT(pPaneShow != NULL);
pPaneShow->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNA);for (col = m_nCols – 2; col >= colNew; col–)
CWnd* pPane = GetPane(row, col);
ASSERT(pPane != NULL);
pPane->SetDlgCtrlID(IdFromRowCol(row, col + 1));
}pPaneShow->SetDlgCtrlID(IdFromRowCol(row, colNew));
}// new panes have been created — recalculate layout
for (col = colNew + 1; col < m_nCols; col++)
m_pColInfo[col].nIdealSize = m_pColInfo[col – 1].nCurSize;
m_pColInfo[colNew].nIdealSize = cxNew;
}void CSplitterWndEx::HideColumn(int colHide)
ASSERT(m_nCols > 1);
ASSERT(colHide < m_nCols);
ASSERT(m_nHidedCol == -1);
m_nHidedCol = colHide;// if the column has an active window — change it
int rowActive, colActive;
if (GetActivePane(&rowActive, &colActive) != NULL &&
colActive == colHide)
if (++colActive >= m_nCols)
colActive = 0;
SetActivePane(rowActive, colActive);
}// hide all column panes
for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
CWnd* pPaneHide = GetPane(row, colHide);
ASSERT(pPaneHide != NULL);
AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST + row * 16 + m_nCols);for (int col = colHide + 1; col < m_nCols; col++)
CWnd* pPane = GetPane(row, col);
ASSERT(pPane != NULL);
pPane->SetDlgCtrlID(IdFromRowCol(row, col – 1));
m_pColInfo[m_nCols].nCurSize = m_pColInfo[colHide].nCurSize;
}BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSplitterWndEx, CSplitterWnd)
// NOTE – the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.