Subselection Dialog

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Class: CSubSelection

Category: Dialog

MFC version: 4.2,

Unicode: Yes (altough not tested)

Often when the user can select some items from a predefined set and has to sort them at the same time, a dialog similar to the one above is used. For instance for selecting a set of fields for a database access or for exporting to a file.

The CSubSelectionDlg is derived from CDialog and can be used as a base for your own class. The included sample gives you a sample whith all the possibilities (CMySelectionDlg). You can create your own dialog template, but it needs (at least) two CListBoxes.

Here is a step by step guide for including the CSubSelectionDlg into your project:

1. Add the two files CSubSelectionDlg.h and CSubSelectionDlg.cpp into your project.

2. Make a new dialog resource with the two CListBoxes. You can make one ore both boxes as ‘single’, ‘multiple’ or ‘extended’ selectable.

3. The first CListBox should be made ‘sorted’.

4. Now call the class wizard and make a CDialog (CMySelectionDlg in the sample) derived class attached to your new dialog template.

5. Now change the base class of your new dialog from CDialog to CSubSelectionDlg. Also include the CSubSelectionDlg.h file where needed.

6. Include the following line in your .h file :

	// tell the constructor about the two CListBoxes

and replace the IDC_SELECTION_LIST1 / 2 with the name of your CListbox resource ID.

7. Change the dialog constructor to include these ID’s :

CMySelection::CMySelection(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*)
	: CSubSelectionDlg(CMySelection::IDD,CMySelection::IDD2,CMySelection::IDD3, pParent)

8. Now map any buttons etc. to the base class members. Note: None of these mappings are needed, but you will not get the attached functionallity 🙁


9. Now you can overwrite the virtual functions InitListBox1() and InitListBox2() to give the boxes something to work with.

Now lean back and to enjoy the newest addition to your project. For details refer to the sample below.

Of course there is room for enhancements, like drag and drop, support for icons, or property sheets.

Download demo project – 109 KB

Download source – 4 KB

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